Very Odd Jobs

Enter the world of Very Odd Jobs, where you will encounter many bizarre and delightful occupations. Very Odd Jobs travels the globe searching for rare individuals whose jobs are unlike any others. These profiles and dozens more like them are what make up Very Odd Jobs - the show that keeps you guessing as to how many ways a person can actually make a living in unique and unusual ways!
200213 episodes7+
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  1. S1 E1 - Water Works

    January 19, 2002
    With over 70% of the world covered in oceans, lakes and rivers, it's natural that some of the most unique and potentially dangerous jobs out there are found near water.
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  2. S1 E2 - Careers in Motion

    January 19, 2002
    It's no surprise that some of the most fascinating jobs involve vehicles. These people are constantly moving in their careers, literally!
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  3. S1 E3 - People in Science

    January 19, 2002
    Mankind is constantly working towards understanding mother nature. Thanks to those who choose careers in science, we continuously gain new insight about the planet's past, it's present, and how to ensure it's future.
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  4. S1 E4 - Animal Kingdom

    January 19, 2002
    Working with animals is never an easy task. For those who choose to take the challenge, however, the rewards are often huge and always fun.
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  5. S1 E5 - Performers

    January 19, 2002
    Those who perform for a living often find their trades in unusual locations. From dining halls and buses, to the historical streets of Great Britain, all the worlds a stage!
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  6. S1 E6 - Extreme Jobs

    January 19, 2002
    There will always be those in this world who like things just a little bit different. Enter the world of thrill seekers and dare devils who take their jobs to the extreme!
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  7. S1 E7 - Artists Touch

    January 19, 2002
    Art has long been held as the signature of civilization. From Picasso to Andy Warhol, artists have always had some of the most fascinating and unique jobs around.
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  8. S1 E8 - All About Sports

    January 19, 2002
    In the fast paced world of sports there are many who work hard to enable others to play. Whether it's working behind the scenes, or taking part on the playing field, this world offers many jobs that seem very out of the ordinary.
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  9. S1 E9 - Europe's Jobs

    January 19, 2002
    Europe with it's history, beauty, and various cultures is a wonderful and fascinating place. From London to Venice, each job has ties to its own little piece of history.
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  10. S1 E10 - Jobs from A to Z

    January 19, 2002
    The world is a big place full of many different people who have very unique jobs. There are those who work at sea, those who work in the skies, and those who work in their minds, capturing our imagination with their creativity.
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  11. S1 E11 - Big Projects

    January 19, 2002
    The world is a large and magnificent place and it's filled with many human made wonders. For that reason, it shouldn't be a surprise that there are quite a few jobs that are on the larger side of life.
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  12. S1 E12 - North America's Jobs

    January 19, 2002
    North America is home to many different people with many different interests. It's no wonder that from these interests come a collection of jobs that are as remarkable and exciting as the people who work them.
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  13. S1 E13 - Very Very Odd Jobs

    January 19, 2002
    Our world is filled with a diversity of interests. Ordinary jobs turn into those that are extraordinary when looked at through a different pair of eyes.
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Chris Triffo


Ron Goetz


Ken HonChris Shaw


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