Very Odd Jobs

Enter the world of Very Odd Jobs, where you will encounter many bizarre and delightful occupations. Very Odd Jobs travels the globe searching for rare individuals whose jobs are unlike any others. These profiles and dozens more like them are what make up Very Odd Jobs - the show that keeps you guessing as to how many ways a person can actually make a living in unique and unusual ways!
200213 episodes7+
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  1. S2 E1 - It's In the Hole!

    January 1, 2002
    When you think of "holes" many things probably come to mind - black holes, a hole in one. But have you ever thought about the people who spend their days working in holes? Jobs Profiled: Meteor Crater Tour Guide, Crop Circle Investigator, Lake Deepener, Chimney Sweep, Underground Cave Tour Guide.
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  2. S2 E2 - Viva Las Vegas

    January 1, 2002
    Once known mostly for its casinos, Las Vegas is now one of the most exciting and rapidly growing cities in the world. The jobs found in Las Vegas are not only unique, they're a lot of fun! Jobs Profiled: Wine Angel, Shark Reef Curator, Indoor Skydiving Instructor, Freemont Lights Display Maintenance, Artificial Snow Maker, Sword Swallower.
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  3. S2 E3 - On With The Show

    January 1, 2002
    In today's fast-paced world, everyone loves a chance to sit back, relax and enjoy a good show. No matter where you go, quality entertainment is never hard to find, thanks to the many men and women whose life's work is to entertain others. Jobs Profiled: Balloon Man, Circus Performer, Jack The Ripper Tour Guide, Paris Busker, Puppet Maker, High Diver.
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  4. S2 E4 - Not As They Seem

    January 1, 2002
    In the world of Very Odd Jobs, things aren't always as they seem. There are many men and women who make a living doing things that seem ordinary at first glance, but are very unique when you take a closer look. Jobs Profiled: Professional Bag Lady, Artificial Eye Maker, Wax Museum Artist, Carnivorous Plant Breeder, Graffiti Maintenance, Zippo Lighter Car Driver.
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  5. S2 E5 - Creative Minds

    January 1, 2002
    Whether it's a work of art or a popular invention, creativity is often the foundation of any success. Many talented and imaginative people have built their careers by using their creative minds. Jobs Profiled: Art Car Society, Wooden Shoe Maker, Limoncello Maker, Carousel Restorers, Emmy Maker.
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  6. S2 E6 - Animal Crackers

    January 1, 2002
    If animals could talk, what kind of stories would they tell? Fortunately, it's easy to see inside their minds. You just have to talk to the people who work with them every day. Jobs Profiled: Siberi*inn Owner, Llama Farmer, Hawk Trainer, Sydney Aquarist, Alligator Wrangler.
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  7. S2 E7 - On The Move

    January 1, 2002
    Whether it's in the air or on the ground, many people have jobs that keep them constantly on the move. Some provide necessary transportation while others join in the excitement of competitive sport. Jobs Profiled: Carriage Driver, Crop Duster, San Francisco Cable Car Driver, Moto Cross Racer, Locomotive Driver.
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  8. S2 E8 - Splash!

    January 1, 2002
    There are 326 million cubic miles of water on earth. Without water, there could be no life. Many people all over the world make their living on, or in the water. Jobs Profiled: ROV Operator, Submarine Maker, Water Taxi Driver, Hull Tech, Jumping Crocodile Tour Guide.
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  9. S2 E9 - Fun With Science

    January 1, 2002
    You don't have to be an Einstein to have fun with Science. Science is everywhere! It's a part of who we are and it can be applied to almost everything we do. Whoever thought working with Science could be this cool?! Jobs Profiled: Science Center Curator, DNA Tester, Theremin Maker, Barbicide Maker, Dinosaur Dropping Collector.
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  10. S2 E10 - On The Mend

    January 1, 2002
    It is often underestimated how many people all over the world devote their lives to helping others. Whether it's making us feel better or fixing what's broken, there are countless individuals who have made a career out of lending a hand. Jobs Profiled: Zippo Lighter Repair Person, Doll Doctor, Bamboo Organ Repairman, Witch Doctor, Equine Therapist.
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  11. S2 E11 - Oh Canada

    January 1, 2002
    Despite its reputation for being one of the coldest places on earth, Canada is much more then wind and snow. It's also home to many fascinating people who, in turn, hold some very interesting jobs. Jobs Profiled: Paintball Referee, Bobsled Fun Run Operator, Ship Pilot, Tattoo Artist, Butterfly Gardens Curator.
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  12. S2 E12 - Some Assembly Required

    January 1, 2002
    It is said that if a job is worth doing, it's worth doing well. This is especially true for the people who have made a career out of building things for others to enjoy. From building clocks to restoring cars, these people prove that hard work and dedication produce very impressive results. Jobs profiled: Ski Maker, Restoration Team, Cuckoo Clock Maker, Ice Sculptor, Miniature World Creator.
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  13. S2 E13 - Behind the Scenes

    January 1, 2002
    Have you ever wondered how things explode in the movies? Or who creates the pictures you see in magazines? People who work behind the scenes are rarely seen themselves, but a good sign of a job well done is never even knowing they were there. Jobs Profiled: Photo Stylist, Bell Ringer, Magician, Fossil Cleaner, Special Effects Maker.
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