
Ed Stafford: First Man Out

Explorer Ed Stafford, the first man to walk the length of the Amazon River, competes against the best in the survival game in a race across the most stunning and punishing environments in Asia in this genre-redefining series.
20206 episodes16+
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  1. S2 E1 - Ed vs Matt Wright

    August 20, 2020
    Ed challenges Matt "The Juggernaut" Wright in the Wanshan Archipelago off the coast of southern China. They race to secure islands that can provide raft-building materials but storms come in and Ed has to face his fear of deep water.
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  2. S2 E2 - Ed vs Josh James

    August 27, 2020
    Ed takes on Josh James, the "Kiwi Bushman," in the Three Parallel Rivers plateau of Yunnan Province. Josh draws on his Maori-heritage to make fire in the mountains. Ed is injured, falls in a waterfall and has to figure out how to survive wet, at altitude.
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  3. S2 E3 - Ed vs Will Lord

    September 23, 2020
    Ed takes on his old bushcraft teacher Will Lord in Bashan, China. Neither man has a knife, so Will makes one to hunt in Asia's largest bamboo forest while Ed attempts to climb up a massive cliff in the rain and takes a shortcut through perilous caves.
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  4. S2 E4 - Ed vs Xinlei Wu

    September 22, 2020
    Ed's up against China's own Xinlei Wu, an ex-PLA and former French Foreign Legion desert specialist, in the Aksai Desert of northwest China. Ed and Xinlei play 'cat-and-mouse' in massive sand dunes and claustrophobic rock-valley mazes.
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  5. S2 E5 - Ed vs Ky Furneaux

    September 24, 2020
    Ed goes toe-to-toe with Ky Furneaux, a Hollywood stuntwoman, rock climber and all round badass, in the Four Girls Mountain Range. Ky's out to prove that brains can beat brawn and Ed's got his work cut out proving otherwise.
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  6. S2 E6 - Ed vs Hakim Isler

    September 25, 2020
    Ed goes head-to-head with ex-PSYOPS marine and real-life ninja Hakim Isler in the notorious Zoige Marshes of Sichuan Province. Both men sink in strength-sapping quick-mud while one nearly drowns and has to find another way across the unforgiving wetland.
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Ed StaffordWill Lord


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