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Şartlar geçerlidir
- S14 B1 - Hunt for Petra's Lost Tombs8 Ekim 202447 dk.With unprecedented access, Josh digs in front of Petra's iconic Treasury. Searching for clues to the mysterious civilization that created one of the new Seven Wonders of the World, Josh rappels a seven-story cliff face to perform a high-tech scan.discovery+ veya Max kanalına abone olun veya satın alın
- S14 B2 - Petra's Secrets Revealed16 Ekim 202446 dk.Rewriting history, Josh helps discover a tomb at Petra's iconic Treasury. The twelve skeletons inside may belong to a royal family of Petra. State-of-the-art tech could finally decipher the charred fragments of ancient scrolls explaining Petra's fall.discovery+ veya Max kanalına abone olun veya satın alın
- S14 B3 - Search for Pan Am's Clipper23 Ekim 202442 dk.Josh braves Puerto Rico's choppy seas to find a legendary missing plane. The crash of Pan Am's Clipper Endeavor changed commercial aviation forever. Josh and the team fight violent storms in the Atlantic as they hunt for the plane 2,000 feet below.discovery+ veya Max kanalına abone olun veya satın alın
Fasten your seatbelts for a new season of Expedition Unknown!
Fasten your seatbelts for a new season of Expedition Unknown!
Fasten your seatbelts for a new season of Expedition Unknown!
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