The Stupendous Drew Pendous - Cool School

Cool School's most awesome superhero is, The Stupendous Drew Pendous! Armed with his imagination, his friends and his mighty Pen Ultimate, Drew always finds a creative way to save the day!
201913 episodiTUTTI
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  1. S3 E1 - Snow Ruins Father's Day! Super Drew to the Rescue! - A Stupendous Drew Pendous Superhero Story

    22 maggio 2019
    Drew and his dad were ready to celebrate Father's Day, but then it started snowing! Oh no! Can Super Drew Pendous save Father's Day from Jack Frost?
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  2. S3 E2 - Stupendous Drew Pendous Saves the First Day at Cool School - A Superhero Story

    22 maggio 2019
    Things are off to a rocky start on the first day at Cool School when the entire school is flooded with grape juice! Thankfully, our resident superhero, Drew Pendous saves the first day of school with his pen ultimate!
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  3. S3 E3 - Super Drew vs. Frankenstein Spiders & Raina Gloom Part 1 - A Stupendous Drew Pendous Superhero Story

    22 maggio 2019
    It's Halloween at Cool School! After a making lollipop spiders, Drew Pendous and Crafty Carol are ready for the Halloween Parade! But oh no! Raina Gloom brings the pipe cleaner spiders to life! It's attack of the Franken-spiders! Can Drew save Halloween?
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  4. S3 E4 - Super Drew vs. Frankenstein Spiders & Raina Gloom Part 2 - A Stupendous Drew Pendous Superhero Story

    22 maggio 2019
    Raina Gloom is using her Franken-Spiders to steal all the Halloween Candy! It's up to Drew, Crafty Carol, and Sonny Shiner to save the day!
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  5. S3 E5 - Drew Saves Planet Earth From a Glitter Slime Monster - A Stupendous Drew Pendous Superhero Story

    22 maggio 2019
    Drew was learning about gardening with his friend Mary, until he noticed there was glitter slime everywhere. All over the grass, flowers, and street. Drew put his pen ultimate into action to find out what was causing this slime! Could Crafty Carol have created the monster?
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  6. S3 E6 - Drew Saves Goldilocks - A Stupendous Drew Pendous Superhero Story

    22 maggio 2019
    Goldilocks and The Three Chickens? Oh No! Thats not how the story goes! Can Drew save story time at Cool School and find the Three Bears?!
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  7. S3 E7 - Super Drew Pendous Saves Color From Grace Cale - A Stupendous Drew Pendous Superhero Story

    22 maggio 2019
    Drew and Nikki heard that there's usually a leprechaun with a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. Naturally, Drew and Nikki went to check out the rainbow, but it wasn't until they ran into Grace Cale that they knew they were in for colorless trouble.
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  8. S3 E8 - Grace Cale Revenge on Drew Pendous - Part 1 - A Stupendous Drew Pendous Superhero Story

    22 maggio 2019
    Drew was home from summer camp and hanging out with his Dad. Drew was telling his Dad all about Color War and showing him his really cool shark tooth friendship bracelet, when all of the sudden Grace Cale swooped in for revenge!
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  9. S3 E9 - Grace Cale Revenge on Drew Pendous - Part 2 - A Stupendous Drew Pendous Superhero Story

    22 maggio 2019
    When we left Drew, Carol, and Finn in part 1, they were surrounded by weird aliens. Grace was still determined to keep all the color for herself until Drew used his superhero power to draw a paintball master blaster!
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  10. S3 E10 - Super Drew Fights Gravity in Space! - A Stupendous Drew Pendous Superhero Story

    22 maggio 2019
    Drew was getting ready for Cool School, when he noticed a bunch of stuff falling from the sky! Can The Stupendous Drew Pendous get to the bottom of this so school isn't cancelled?
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  11. S3 E11 - Super Drew vs. Evil Pumpkins! Monster Halloween Story! - A Stupendous Drew Pendous Superhero Story

    22 maggio 2019
    It was Arts and Crafts time in Crafty Carol's class, and Drew, Nikki, and Robbie were showing their awesome pumpkin crafts! But someone turned their super cool pumpkins into green and gross pumpkins! Who could it be? Time for the Stupendous Drew Pendous and His Mighty Pen Ultimate to save the day!
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  12. S3 E12 - Drew Pendous Saves Halloween - A Stupendous Drew Pendous Superhero Story

    22 maggio 2019
    Drew Pendous a.k.a Captain Drew was waiting in anticipation to go Halloween trick-or-treating when an announcement came over the speaker system at school to inform everyone that Halloween has been cancelled. Stupendous Drew Pendous sets out with his mighty pen ultimate to save Halloween!
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  13. S3 E13 - Super Drew Saves Fall from Jack Frost - A Stupendous Drew Pendous Superhero Story

    22 maggio 2019
    Winter, say hello to Super Drew! It's only the beginning of fall and Super Drew will not stand for snow, especially on a Saturday. It's up to Drew to find out who is causing a blizzard and take them down with his Mighty Pen Ultimate!
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