الموسم 6 الحلقة 1 - Reeking Havoc/Live & Let Dynamo
٣١ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٣24 من الدقائقThe Professor's submission for the Annual Townsville Chili Cookoff is X-tra special. This ingredient doesn't settle well with Townsville's tummies. Then, Dynamo is terrorizing Townsville, but who's working the controls?تجربة مجانية في Maxالموسم 6 الحلقة 2 - Mo' Linguish/Oops, I Did It Again
٣١ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٣23 من الدقائقMojo is sentenced to do community service and begins teaching English at the Learning Annex. Then, when the Professor realizes his successful experiments are just accidents, he sets out to do something brilliant on purpose!تجربة مجانية في Maxالموسم 6 الحلقة 3 - A Made Up Story
٣١ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٣21 من الدقائقSomeone is defacing all the posters and statues of Townsville with make-up. Can the girls stop this makeover takeover or will they get the blush off?تجربة مجانية في Maxالموسم 6 الحلقة 4 - Little Miss Interprets/Night Mayor
٣١ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٣22 من الدقائقWhen the girls hear the Professor trying to make something out of sugar, spice and everything nice, they are sure he's trying to create new girls. Then, the Mayor keeps having the same dream but he never sees the end.تجربة مجانية في Maxالموسم 6 الحلقة 5 - Custody Battle/City of Nutsville
٣١ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٣23 من الدقائقMojo discovers the Rowdyruff Boys are back and is determined to show them that he is a more evil dad than Him. Then, the squirrels of Townsville are chirping mad!تجربة مجانية في Maxالموسم 6 الحلقة 6 - Aspirations
٣١ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٣20 من الدقائقThe Gangreen Gang is actually committing brilliant crimes. But behind every great gang, there has to be a great woman.تجربة مجانية في Maxالموسم 6 الحلقة 7 - That's Not My Baby/Simian Says
٣١ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٣23 من الدقائقThe girls save a baby from a monster but can't find the mother. Can these superheroes manage to take care of a baby? Then, when the Narrator is bound and gagged, Mojo Jojo takes over his job, ordering the girls to steal for him.تجربة مجانية في Maxالموسم 6 الحلقة 8 - Sun Scream/City of Frownsville
٣١ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٣23 من الدقائقThe girls get the ultimate sunburn and must try to fight crime despite their UV damage. Then, when the tearful Lou Gubrious sets a crying ray on Townsville, the girls must find a way to stop the tears before the town is flooded.تجربة مجانية في Maxالموسم 6 الحلقة 9 - West in Pieces
٣١ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٣22 من الدقائقIt's the old west and Mojo the Kid has robbed the first bank ever and forced the sheriff out of town and it is up to the Steamypuff Girls to save the day at a high-noon showdown.تجربة مجانية في Maxالموسم 6 الحلقة 10 - Crazy Mixed Up Puffs/Mizzen in Action
٣١ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٣23 من الدقائقThe girls must literally work as one to try and stop Mojo from destroying Townsville. Then, Crack McGraigen and his crew are tossed forward in time and discover the chemical X that marks the spot.تجربة مجانية في Maxالموسم 6 الحلقة 11 - Roughing It Up/What's the Big Idea?
٣١ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٣23 من الدقائقThe girls and the Professor set out on a vacation to the Townsville Swamp. Trouble is, Fuzzy and his nephews are there, too. Then, 20 story high Powerpuff Girls spell disaster for Townsville when they try to stop Mojo from taking over.تجربة مجانية في Maxالموسم 6 الحلقة 12 - Nuthin' Special/Neighbor Hood
٣١ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٢23 من الدقائقFrustrated with not knowing what her special power is, Buttercup hunts to discover what makes her special. Then, when everyone on Bubbles' favorite show loses their happiness, Bubbles helps bring it back.تجربة مجانية في Maxالموسم 6 الحلقة 13 - I See a Funny Cartoon in Your Future/Octi-Gone
٣١ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٢23 من الدقائقThe girls have the rare task of fighting a medium who is committing petty thefts. Then, when Bubbles finds a single leg of Octi's, she sets out to find out who took her toy and what they want from her.تجربة مجانية في Maxالموسم 6 الحلقة 14 - The Powerpuff Girls: 'Twas the Fight Before Christmas
٣١ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٣44 من الدقائقWhen Princess Morbucks tries to ruin Christmas for the children of the world, the Powerpuff Girls must save the day.تجربة مجانية في Maxالموسم 6 الحلقة 15 - Powerpuff Girls Rule!
٣١ ديسمبر ٢٠٠٣23 من الدقائقThe Powerpuff Girls battle it out with all of their arch enemies in Townsville for a key to the world. Whomever holds this key possesses power over the rest of the universe!تجربة مجانية في Max
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