
  1. S26 A1Say Cheezy
    20 oktober 2017
    FRÅN 7 ÅR
    Jon has finally made it to the big leagues, and he is freaking out. Jon should just breathe in and not breathe out.
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  2. S26 A2Escape The Pug
    3 november 2017
    FRÅN 7 ÅR
    Today Bri and the gang play Mystery Minigame!
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  3. S26 A3Who Could It Be?
    10 november 2017
    FRÅN 7 ÅR
    Cory wants to start calling everyone Frank. In the first round Bri is a hider. She doesn't hide so well and gets gotten by a knight.
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  4. S26 A4Can We Win?
    7 november 2017
    FRÅN 7 ÅR
    Cory and Bri play Bedwars together!
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  5. S26 A5Clip: Eating Brains
    25 november 2017
    FRÅN 7 ÅR
    This game makes Cory want to pick his nose or something. They all pick their color and settle into their little spaces. Cory will be team Bleu, you might not understand that but it's French for blue.
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  6. S26 A6The Ships Have Sailed
    1 december 2017
    FRÅN 7 ÅR
    Sure, CheezyBreezi might be shamelessly pushing for the Zron ship, but they are clearly holding hands.
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  7. S26 A7Run For It
    8 december 2017
    FRÅN 7 ÅR
    Cory and Bri play Hunger Games in Minecraft!
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  8. S26 A8I'm A Third Wheel
    15 december 2017
    FRÅN 7 ÅR
    To start things off Jon plays his Otamatone. The cutest little instrument you've ever seen. It looks like a music note with a face on it. Nick got Jon this for his birthday.
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  9. S26 A9Nick Ships It
    22 december 2017
    FRÅN 7 ÅR
    Would you rather not shower after a whole day rolling in mud or where your Minecraft skin for 3 years? Ashlie points out that you can always change your skin on Minecraft, but CheezyBreezi would rather stick with the mud.
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  10. S26 A10We Survived Hypixel's New Game Mode
    10 januari 2018
    FRÅN 7 ÅR
    Today we are playing Battle Royale!
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  11. S26 A11Pros Teach Noob
    14 januari 2018
    FRÅN 7 ÅR
    Once Bri has plenty of iron, Ashlie leads her to the man with a weird nose (the villager) and helps Bri buy some leather armor and steak.
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  12. S26 A12Eyeless Jack X Cory
    27 januari 2018
    FRÅN 7 ÅR
    Bri starts the game by asking if they would rather have a pet camel spider or rather be roommates with Eyeless Jack for a year!
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  13. S26 A13Eyeless Jack And Cory Date
    10 februari 2018
    FRÅN 7 ÅR
    Jack has trouble jumping from tile to tile because it is his first time playing and he is called Flyless Jack.
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