Great Greek Myths
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S2 AFL. 1 - The Apple of Discord
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten1 januari 201926min.A golden apple inscribed 'for the fairest' is sent to a feast at Olympus. Unable to decide between the goddesses Aphrodite, Hera and Athena, Zeus decides to let a mortal choose.Gratis kijkenS2 AFL. 2 - Time for Sacrifice
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten1 januari 201926min.All of the Greek kings and their armies have responded to Agamemnon's call, all except two, Odysseus and Achilles.Gratis kijkenS2 AFL. 3 - The Wrath of Achilles
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten1 januari 201926min.Ten years have passed since the Greek forces arrived in Troy, but King Priam's city has still not fallen. The king's eldest son, Hector, reproaches his brother Paris for causing this war with no end.Gratis kijkenS2 AFL. 4 - The Blood of the Goddess
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten1 januari 201926min.Agamemnon has seen it in a dream: Troy will be taken today. Helen's husband Menelaus recognizes Paris, the man who took his wife. The two men decide to face each other in a duel.Gratis kijkenS2 AFL. 5 - The Sword and the Scales
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten1 januari 201926min.The chaos that reigns between Greeks and Trojans has now spread to Mount Olympus. Back on the battlefield, the Trojans have driven back the Greeks, and decide to build a long wall.Gratis kijkenS2 AFL. 6 - Hera's Plan
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten1 januari 201926min.Odysseus and Ajax try to convince Achilles to return to combat, but the Greek warrior rejects their appeals. On the battlefield, Agamemnon, Diomedes and even Odysseus are injured one after the other.Gratis kijkenS2 AFL. 7 - Patroclus and the Myrmidons
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten1 januari 201926min.Saved by Apollo, Hector goes back on the attack and leads the Trojans as far as the Greeks' ships. Patroclus, a childhood friend of Achilles, rushes to him and implores him to re-join the battle.Gratis kijkenS2 AFL. 8 - Achilles' Revenge
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten1 januari 201926min.Thetis asks Hephaestus, the god of blacksmiths to forge new armour and weapons for her son Achilles. At dawn, she hands them to him, knowing that they will lead to his death.Gratis kijkenS2 AFL. 9 - Vanquish or Die
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten1 januari 201926min.The River Scamander and its banks are set alight by fireballs sent by the god Hephaestus. The river god spares Achilles, who immediately goes back on the rampage. The gods are shocked by his rage.Gratis kijkenS2 AFL. 10 - Trojan Horse
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten1 januari 201926min.The Trojans are surprised to discover that the Greeks have suddenly left the shores of Troy, leaving only a wooden horse. Inside the horse, Greek warriors remain silent and still.Gratis kijken
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