S1 AFL. 1 - Sluice or Die
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten1 maart 201344min.Mining season has just begun. The clock is ticking. And newcomer Big Al is off to a great start to the season.Gratis kijkenS1 AFL. 2 - No Deaths, No Worries
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten8 maart 201344min.Ken and Guillaume fight a flooding creek. Karl is still waiting to get his sluice set up. Big Al goes after the "smart" gold.Gratis kijkenS1 AFL. 3 - The Curse of Moose Creek
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten15 maart 201344min.Ken and Guillaume's equipment problems mean they are only sluicing half of what they should be.Gratis kijkenS1 AFL. 4 - Gold Fever!
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten22 maart 201344min.Ken and Guillaume face continual breakdowns and a crew member who goes AWOL.Gratis kijkenS1 AFL. 5 - Hard Days Night
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten29 maart 201344min.Guillaume tries to move the Beast while Ken contends with a bigger challenge - a visit from his wife.Gratis kijkenS1 AFL. 6 - Never Say Die
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten5 april 201344min.The gold mining season is more than half over. Ken and Guillaume try to reverse their bad luck by moving across Moose Creek.Gratis kijkenS1 AFL. 7 - Run for the Narrows
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten12 april 201344min.Winter threatens to shut down mining early. Guillaume considers retiring a frozen Bad Attitude for good. Karl's sluice box ices over trapping his gold.Gratis kijkenS1 AFL. 8 - Winter Gamble
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten19 april 201344min.Snow on Moose Creek makes for dangerous conditions and critical mistakes. Karl faces simultaneous breakdowns causing a shutdown.Gratis kijkenS1 AFL. 9 - The Last Stand
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten26 april 201344min.Big Al moves his sluice plant to his last pit of pay dirt. Ken and Guillaume may have hit their mother lode.Gratis kijkenS1 AFL. 10 - Freeze Up
Kijk op ondersteunde apparaten3 mei 201344min.With no diesel left and ground to sluice, Ken makes a dangerous fuel run. Karl ignores his dad's advice, risking a flood on the mine.Gratis kijken
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