24 Hours In A&E
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S8 E1 - Episode 1
Watch on supported devices6 gennaio 201548min89-year-old Sir John Cockburn arrives at St George's with acute abdominal pain. Medics think it could be a 'Triple A',an abdominal aortic aneurysm, which can prove fatal. When test results come back, Sir John faces emergency surgery.Guarda gratisS8 E2 - Episode 2
Watch on supported devices13 gennaio 201547min19-year-old motorcyclist Sam is air lifted to St George's after crashing into a bus and being thrown under a car, leaving him bent double. Sam arrives in resus with multiple injuries, he's in an induced coma and classified 'code red'.Guarda gratisS8 E3 - Episode 3
Watch on supported devices20 gennaio 201547min22-month-old Daisy arrives at St George's by air ambulance. The accident happened at her family's stables in Sussex and mum Georgie was so shocked she fainted at the scene.Daisy is rushed into resus and a CT scan reveals she has a fractured skull, a bruise on her brain and concussion. As surgeons plan their next move, Daisy is carefully monitored for any signs of brain damage.Guarda gratisS8 E4 - Episode 4
Watch on supported devices20 gennaio 201548min91-year-old Cyril arrives at St George's by air ambulance after being in a car crash.He was on his way home to wife Betty with some fish for their supper, but never made it back and had to be cut from his car.Guarda gratisS8 E5 - Episode 5
Watch on supported devices27 gennaio 201547min26-year-old Lawrence is rushed to St George's after being hit by a car while crossing the road on a night out in Eastbourne. He was thrown fifteen feet after 'bulls eyeing' the car's windscreen. Lawrence was bleeding from his ears and was put into an induced coma at the scene by emergency doctors.Guarda gratisS8 E6 - Episode 6
Watch on supported devices3 febbraio 201548min10-year-old Josh arrives at St George's having severed his finger during an accident on the school playing field.Mum Jane accompanies Josh into resus, but she has a secret -Josh has no idea that his finger has actually been cut off during the accident.Guarda gratisS8 E7 - Episode 7
Watch on supported devices10 febbraio 201547min34-year-old mechanic Grant is rushed to A&E having been crushed against a brick wall by his own car while working on it.Doctors are concerned he has a serious pelvic injury and other internal injuries and work quickly to find out their severity.Guarda gratisS8 E8 - Episode 8
Watch on supported devices17 febbraio 201547min5-year-old Kayla is rushed into St George's struggling to breathe. With her is worried mum Rachel. Doctors try to find out what's wrong and give Kayla drugs to relax her chest muscles. Rachel reveals that Kayla was diagnosed with a rare form of juvenile arthritis and she has spent months in Great Ormond St hospital under specialist care.Guarda gratisS8 E9 - Episode 9
Watch on supported devices24 febbraio 201547min22-year-old motorcyclist Adam isbrought to A&E after crashing into a car and being thrown thirty metres. Adam has possibly injured his neck and spine and doctors areconcerned that the severity of his leg injury means that he risks losing his foot.Guarda gratisS8 E10 - Episode 10
Watch on supported devices3 marzo 201548min51-year-old builder Rod is rushed to A&E after falling eighteenfeet from scaffolding onto concrete.His injuries are so serious that he's taken straight for a CT scan of his head, neck and back.Guarda gratisS8 E11 - Episode 11
Watch on supported devices10 marzo 201547min84-year-old Paula has been referred to St. George's by her GP for urgent treatment. A routine blood test has detected that Paula has a dangerously high level of potassium, or salts, in her blood.Guarda gratisS8 E12 - Episode 12
Watch on supported devices17 marzo 201547min3-year-old Louie is airlifted to St George's after being run over by a car while playing outside his house. Doctors are concerned that his neck seems to be stuck in one position, which could indicate damage to his neck and spine. And consultant Will is worried that he hasn't seen Louie move his lower limbs.Guarda gratisS8 E13 - Episode 13
Watch on supported devices24 marzo 201547min79-year-old Carole is rushed to A&E with signs of a stroke. She's confused and undergoes tests and a CT scan so that doctors can assess what's happened and how best to treat her. Neurologist Dr Mahinda decides to give Carole a 'clot-busting' drug, but it only has a one in eight chance of success.Guarda gratisS8 E14 - Episode 14
Watch on supported devices31 marzo 201547min52-year-old retired firefighter John is rushed to A&E by helicopter after being accidentaly hit in the face by a golf club. The golf club hit him so hard that it snapped. John lost consciousness and is in an induced coma.Guarda gratisS8 E15 - Episode 15
Watch on supported devices7 aprile 201548min85-year-old Maura is rushed into A&E after falling over during the night at home.Her sonMark and his family found her face down on her bedroom floor when they arrived to take her out for the day.Maura has pain in her back and medics are concerned that she can't move or feel her legs.Guarda gratisS8 E16 - Episode 16
Watch on supported devices14 aprile 201548min81-year-old cyclist Bill is brought to St George's from Surrey after being hit by a car while crossing the road.Bill wasn't wearing a helmet and 'bulls eyed' the car's windscreen. He has multiple injuries, but doctors are most worried that he may have sustained a serious head injury.Guarda gratisS8 E17 - Episode 17
Watch on supported devices21 aprile 201548min59-year-old Charulata is rushed to A&E after collapsing at home with signs of a stroke. Charulata has a previous history of strokes, has diabetes and is waiting for a heart bypass.Medics send her for a CT scan to find out what has happened.Guarda gratisS8 E18 - Episode 18
Watch on supported devices28 aprile 201547min77-year-old Martin is rushed to St George's after collapsing at home. It's not the first time that Martin has blacked out and he has two further seizures in A&E. Doctors carry out urgent tests to find out what is causing his problems.Guarda gratis
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- Violenza linguaggio volgare
- Non disponibili
- Alex Sunderland
- The Garden Productions
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