Extreme Airport Africa

In the wilds of Southern Africa, aviation takes over where roads don't go. Extreme Airport Africa brings you into the world of high-octane, high-risk bush flying where pilots brave rough runways, wild fires and wild animals.
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  1. S2 E1 - Flying Lions

    25 gennaio 2025
    Two lions take to the air on a journey to a new home. A rookie flight attendant puts his training into action. Mechanics fix desert damage to get their planes back into the Namibian sky, and aerial firefighters face an inferno to save a village.
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  2. S2 E2 - Flying Grandmas

    1 febbraio 2025
    A P51 Mustang takes a combat veteran back in time. A bush aviator flies a mission to save rhinos from extinction. Mechanics race to fit new engines on an air ambulance heading into a warzone, and a pilot takes control of a jet for the first time.
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  3. S2 E3 - Flight For Life

    8 febbraio 2025
    Helicopter medics race to save a life. The wildlife of the Kruger National Park puts an airfield under siege. A farm deploys helicopters to save a blueberry crop, and a young pilot attempts a tricky night landing in Namibia's aviation 'black hole'.
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  4. S2 E4 - Flight Of The Pangolin

    15 febbraio 2025
    A bush airport fights fire with fire. Flying Namibian cowboys race against the heat to save antelope from drought. A father and son duo of mechanics tackle a test that could make or break their careers, and an endangered Pangolin learns to fly.
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  5. S2 E5 - Penguin Airlift

    22 febbraio 2025
    An SOS from an island of penguins sends a helicopter team on an emergency mission. A young pilot attempts a record-breaking flight. Aircraft maintenance teams tackle a dangerous fluid leak, and vets in Zambia stop a war between humans and elephants.
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  6. S2 E6 - Flight The Power

    1 marzo 2025
    A mid-air engine shutdown forces maintenance teams to scramble. A helicopter pilot flies engineers onto live power lines. A rookie pilot flies his first solo anti-poaching patrol, and scientists fly to track down a pride of lions on the loose.
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  7. S2 E7 - Close Encounters Of The Bird Kind

    8 marzo 2025
    A skilled canine team tracks birds disrupting Africa's busiest airport. Mechanics race to fix a cargo hauler for the largest bush airline. Helicopter pilots meet ships near the Cape of Good Hope, while flying doctors deliver life-saving surgery.
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