Chicago P.D.
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- S11 E1 - Unpacking16 gennaio 202442minTasked with shadowing a crisis prevention team, Upton finds her approach to policing at odds with the team's mental health clinician.Disponibile per l’acquisto
- S11 E2 - Retread23 gennaio 202442minRuzek gets mixed up in a case after a late-night poker game is raided.Disponibile per l’acquisto
- S11 E3 - Safe Harbor30 gennaio 202442minBurgess works an extra shift at the 13th District and gets caught in the middle of a drive-by attack on refugees. The team works together to track down the shooter and uncover the true motive behind the attack.Disponibile per l’acquisto
- S11 E4 - Escape6 febbraio 202443minReturning from furlough, Torres goes undercover in a tense and high-stakes drug trafficking case.Disponibile per l’acquisto
- S11 E5 - Split Second20 febbraio 202442minAtwater turns to an unlikely source of support when a string of jewelry store robberies shake his confidence.Disponibile per l’acquisto
- S11 E6 - Survival27 febbraio 202442minIntelligence teams up with ASA Chapman to take on an abduction case involving a teenager.Disponibile per l’acquisto
- S11 E7 - The Living and the Dead19 marzo 202442minAn ongoing case hits close to home for Voight as Intelligence teams up with an SVU detective to track down a prolific offender.Disponibile per l’acquisto
- S11 E8 - On Paper26 marzo 202442minUpton brings SVU detective Petrovic back into the fold to help with the investigation of a tender-age kidnapping.Disponibile per l’acquisto
- S11 E9 - Somos Uno2 aprile 202442minTorres's personal involvement with an informant jeopardizes his safety and threatens to expose an undercover operation.Disponibile per l’acquisto
- S11 E10 - Buried Pieces30 aprile 202442minUpton becomes consumed with a decades-old missing person's case linked to Petrovic after a young child shows up at the district seeking help.Disponibile per l’acquisto
- S11 E11 - The Water Line7 maggio 202442minAs Atwater finds himself distracted by a past case, a CI from his past resurfaces with a tip on a string of violent armed robberies.Disponibile per l’acquisto
- S11 E12 - Inventory14 maggio 202442minIntelligence chases down a lead in the ongoing serial killer investigation as news of the case reaches the public.Disponibile per l’acquisto
- S11 E13 - More21 maggio 202442minAs the months-long investigation into the serial killer reaches its close, Voight must outsmart the offender in a race against the clock.Disponibile per l’acquisto
Maggiori informazioni
- Avviso sui contenuti
- Violenza uso di stupefacenti uso di alcol linguaggio volgare contenuto sessuale
- Sottotitoli
- Non disponibili
- Regia
- Chad SaxtonMark TinkerEriq La SalleNick GomezCarl SeatonFred BernerNicole RubioVincent MisianoSanford BookstaverRohn Schmidt
- Produzione
- NBCUniversal
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