
Chasing Flavor

Stagione 1
Chef and author Carla Hall travels around the world to track down the unexpected lineage of dishes we think are quintessentially American. Along the way, she learns how their international origins and buried truths paved the way for today's cuisine.
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  1. S1 E1 - Ice Cream

    24 gennaio 2024
    Chef and best-selling cookbook author Carla Hall travels the world to pinpoint the origins of ice cream. Across the East Coast, Italy and Turkey, she gets caught up in an amazing dairy adventure while chasing the source of America's favorite dessert.
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di Max
  2. S1 E2 - Al Pastor

    24 gennaio 2024
    Chef Carla Hall goes on an international journey to uncover the start of tacos al pastor. From Los Angeles to Mexico to Turkey, her tantalizing taco trip shows how a vertical flame helped cultures collide to create something new.
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di Max
  3. S1 E3 - Chicken Pot Pie

    24 gennaio 2024
    Chef Carla Hall explores Washington, D.C., Jamaica and Europe to find the origins of chicken pot pie. Her flaky, crusted quest gets under the lid of a freezer aisle favorite to reveal its surprising history.
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di Max
  4. S1 E4 - Barbecue

    24 gennaio 2024
    From Los Angeles to Virginia to Puerto Rico, Chef Carla Hall goes on a slow and low trek to dig up the roots of an American summer pastime: barbecue.
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di Max
  5. S1 E5 - Hot Chicken

    24 gennaio 2024
    Chef Carla Hall gets fired up over the origins of hot chicken. From Nashville to South Carolina to Ghana, her spicy trip takes a surprising turn into revealing the African American erasure in one of the country's fried favorites.
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di Max
  6. S1 E6 - Shrimp and Grits

    24 gennaio 2024
    Chef Carla Hall heads out on a soul food adventure from South Carolina to Ghana to New York, where she discovers how the unlikely pairing of shrimp and grits became a low country favorite.
    Periodo d’uso gratuito di Max


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Carla Hall


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