
The Courage to Run with Chip Gaines & Gabe Grunewald

Stagione 1
In this documentary special, Chip Gaines fortuitously meets professional runner and rare cancer fighter Gabe Grunewald. Together they set out to train for a marathon and, along the way, find a friendship that alters Chip's perspective forever.
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  1. S1 E1 - The Courage to Run with Chip Gaines and Gabe Grunewald

    11 dicembre 2020
    In this documentary special, Chip Gaines fortuitously meets professional runner and rare cancer fighter Gabe Grunewald. Together they set out to train for a marathon and, along the way, find a friendship that alters Chip's perspective forever.
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  2. S1 E2 - Running on Hope

    3 gennaio 2021
    In this half-hour companion special to "The Courage to Run," Justin Grunewald embarks on a new chapter in his life, spreading a message of hope through the Brave Like Gabe Foundation.
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Justin Grunewald


discovery plus Heroic Pursuits
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