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Inez grapples with giving her beloved stuffed animal to her younger brother. Meanwhile, Delete asks the CyberSquad for help cleaning a lake. Then, Buzz, Delete and Digit take a wild ride on the wreaker. On Earth, Inez’s family is revamping their courtyard, but Inez wants to plant trees and her sister wants a skatepark! And a green haze heats up Stellandia. Can the CyberSquad find the source?
IMDb 6,920024 episodeSEMUA
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  1. S16 E1 - Clean-Up on Isle 8
    22 April 2023
    26 menit
    Inez grapples with giving her beloved stuffed animal heirloom to her younger brother, León. Frustrated with Buzz’s selfishness, Delete heads to Isle 8, takes a job cleaning the lake and corrals the CyberSquad to help clean it up faster.
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  2. S16 E2 - Trees, Please
    29 April 2023
    26 menit
    Buzz, Delete and Digit take a wild ride on the wreaker. On Earth, we meet Inez’s family for the first time. Their courtyard is being revamped and Inez wants to plant trees. Sister Camila? A skatepark. Who will win this sibling rivalry?
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  3. S16 E3 - Weather or Not, Part 1
    5 Mei 2023
    27 menit
    Jackie is enjoying a snowy day on Earth when her house becomes mysteriously cold inside. On Stellandia, a green haze has appeared and is heating up the weather. The CyberSquad helps Bernice investigate before it gets too hot.
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  4. S16 E4 - Weather or Not, Part 2
    6 Mei 2023
    26 menit
    On a mission to become extra green, Hacker unintentionally causes the weather in Stellandia to become too hot. Will the tiny but mighty Bernice the Beetle help the CyberSquad stop Hacker before it’s too late?
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