Air Crash Investigation

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  1. T20 E1 - Headline News
    29 de julio de 2023
    45 min
    A look at three plane crashes that made global news and put intense pressure on investigators to uncover the true cause of the accidents.
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  2. T20 E2 - Rookie Errors
    5 de agosto de 2023
    45 min
    The simplest mistakes are at the heart of some of the worst airline accidents, and while commercial pilots undergo hundreds of hours of training and testing, even experienced pilots can make deadly rookie errors
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  3. T20 E3 - Collision Course
    12 de agosto de 2023
    45 min
    Facing deadly tragedies that could have been avoided, investigators comb through the wreckage of three separate midair collisions in a race to prevent another fatal impact.
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  4. T20 E4 - Engines Out
    19 de agosto de 2023
    45 min
    When an aircraft loses total engine power, a pilot’s training can make all the difference in the world, but it’s still up to investigators to determine what went wrong.
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  5. T20 E5 - Fuel Trouble
    26 de agosto de 2023
    45 min
    Three mysterious accidents send investigators hunting for clues. In the end, all three trails lead back to the same source-the fuel tank.
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  6. T20 E6 - Perilous Payload
    2 de septiembre de 2023
    45 min
    Three planes fatally out of balance force investigators to question every calculation. It’s a flight risk that’s entirely preventable, and yet repeated disasters reconfirm the need for critical backup systems.
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  7. T20 E7 - Runway in Sight
    9 de septiembre de 2023
    45 min
    If pilots aren’t prepared when the runway is in sight, a landing can quickly become a tragedy.
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  8. T20 E8 - Deadly Confusion
    16 de septiembre de 2023
    45 min
    Spatial disorientation is one of the leading causes of all air accidents. Even the most experienced pilots are susceptible to its subtle yet deadly effects.
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  9. T20 E9 - Radio Silence
    23 de septiembre de 2023
    45 min
    Radio silence between pilots and air traffic controllers can mean many different things, but only the physical evidence can reveal the true story. Three shocking cases send investigators hunting for answers.
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  10. T20 E10 - Design Flaws
    30 de septiembre de 2023
    45 min
    Drawing the attention of the entire world, three fatal design flaws put air crash investigators in a storm of controversy.
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  11. T20 E11 - Heat of the Moment
    6 de enero de 2024
    45 min
    Failsafes are built into every aspect of aviation, but in the heat of the moment pilots can make fateful decisions that lead to tragedy.
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  12. T20 E12 - Instrument Confusion
    13 de enero de 2024
    45 min
    Safe flying requires precision, and when critical instruments in the cockpit can't be trusted, the consequences can be fatal.
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  13. T20 E13 - VIP on Board
    20 de enero de 2024
    45 min
    Airplane crashes involving high-profile passengers make international headlines, placing investigators under tremendous pressure to come up with answers.
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  14. T20 E14 - Lapse in Security
    27 de enero de 2024
    45 min
    Traced to a breakdown of vital safety measures, three horrific disasters provoke fundamental changes to airport security procedures around the world.
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  15. T20 E15 - Mountain Impact
    3 de febrero de 2024
    45 min
    Following three horrifying crashes, investigators uncover fatal flaws in the very operations designed to prevent aircraft from flying into mountains.
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  16. T20 E16 - Survivors
    10 de febrero de 2024
    45 min
    From the wreckage of three airplane crashes, survivors emerge to tell harrowing tales and provide critical data about what to do in an emergency.
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  17. T20 E17 - Death from Above
    17 de febrero de 2024
    45 min
    Mid-air tragedies are particularly horrifying when they occur over a community, and rain terror on the people below.
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  18. T20 E18 - Courage in the Cockpit
    24 de febrero de 2024
    45 min
    Devastating failures in the air put pilots to the test, and shine a light on three astonishing feats of flying.
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  19. T20 E19 - Maintenance Mistakes
    22 de junio de 2024
    45 min
    A trio of crashes reveal that when the nuts and bolts of maintenance go unchecked, it can spell catastrophe.
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  20. T20 E20 - Take Off Tragedies
    29 de junio de 2024
    45 min
    Three flights ending in tragedy, prove that minor missteps during takeoff can have disastrous consequences.
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  21. T20 E21 - Dead of Night
    6 de julio de 2024
    45 min
    Confused, flying blind, and lost in the dark, three crews lose site of the horizon and fall into the same deadly trap.
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  22. T20 E22 - Engine Gone
    13 de julio de 2024
    45 min
    Three crews experience the same devastating event, but with radically different outcomes when an engine falls off their commercial airplane.
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  23. T20 E23 - Lethal Choices
    20 de julio de 2024
    45 min
    Faced with a mid-air crisis, pilots must make life-and-death decisions, but the wrong approach can trigger a far more serious problem.
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  24. T20 E24 - Risky Runways
    27 de julio de 2024
    45 min
    In Sao Paolo, the Himalayas, and on the Norwegian coast, three flight crews are pushed to the limit by the toughest landings on earth.
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  25. T20 E27 - Runway Collisions
    17 de agosto de 2024
    45 min
    In catastrophic runway collisions, investigators must retrace every step.
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Mostrar todos los 27 episodios


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