

Danielle and Adam Busby welcome home the only all-female set of quintuplets in the U.S. From potty training to feeding, life with the Busby quints is a constant adventure.
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  1. S9 A1The Thanksgiving Disaster

    11 juli 2023
    44 min
    ÖVER 16 ÅR
    When the oven breaks right before Thanksgiving, Adam needs a miracle.
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  2. S9 A2Riley and the Catwalk

    18 juli 2023
    43 min
    ÖVER 7 ÅR
    The Quints prepare to be models at the 2nd Annual Graeson Bee Fashion Show.
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  3. S9 A3Ava and the First Dance

    25 juli 2023
    43 min
    ÖVER 7 ÅR
    The Bubsys rush from a dance recital to a holiday parade to a cookie party!
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  4. S9 A4Blayke and the Babysitting

    1 augusti 2023
    43 min
    ÖVER 7 ÅR
    Adam and Danielle debate whether Blayke is ready to babysit the Quints.
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  5. S9 A5Hazel and the Sloth

    8 augusti 2023
    43 min
    ÖVER 7 ÅR
    The Quints and Blayke put "Fun Dad" Adam to the test when Danielle goes to Dallas for a week of business and pleasure. Hazel is still learning to ride her new bike long after her sisters have mastered theirs, but Adam and Danielle disagree on why.
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  6. S9 A6Danielle and the Bacon

    15 augusti 2023
    42 min
    ÖVER 7 ÅR
    The girls surprise Danielle with a spa day, and Hazel sees a new doctor.
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  7. S9 A7Parker and the Glamping

    22 augusti 2023
    43 min
    ÖVER 7 ÅR
    Adam takes the Quints old-school camping against Danielle's wishes.
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  8. S9 A8Olivia and the Pink Limo

    29 augusti 2023
    43 min
    ÖVER 7 ÅR
    Adam takes the Quints to their first Daddy-Daughter Dance.
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Riley BusbyOlivia BusbyParker BusbyHazel BusbyBlayke BusbyAva BusbyAdam BusbyDanielle Busby


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