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S9 A1 – The Thanksgiving Disaster
11 juli 202344 minWhen the oven breaks right before Thanksgiving, Adam needs a miracle.Prenumerera på discovery+ eller 2 andra eller köpS9 A2 – Riley and the Catwalk
18 juli 202343 minThe Quints prepare to be models at the 2nd Annual Graeson Bee Fashion Show.Prenumerera på discovery+ eller 2 andra eller köpS9 A3 – Ava and the First Dance
25 juli 202343 minThe Bubsys rush from a dance recital to a holiday parade to a cookie party!Prenumerera på discovery+ eller 2 andra eller köpS9 A4 – Blayke and the Babysitting
1 augusti 202343 minAdam and Danielle debate whether Blayke is ready to babysit the Quints.Prenumerera på discovery+ eller 2 andra eller köpS9 A5 – Hazel and the Sloth
8 augusti 202343 minThe Quints and Blayke put "Fun Dad" Adam to the test when Danielle goes to Dallas for a week of business and pleasure. Hazel is still learning to ride her new bike long after her sisters have mastered theirs, but Adam and Danielle disagree on why.Prenumerera på discovery+ eller 2 andra eller köpS9 A6 – Danielle and the Bacon
15 augusti 202342 minThe girls surprise Danielle with a spa day, and Hazel sees a new doctor.Prenumerera på discovery+ eller 2 andra eller köpS9 A7 – Parker and the Glamping
22 augusti 202343 minAdam takes the Quints old-school camping against Danielle's wishes.Prenumerera på discovery+ eller 2 andra eller köpS9 A8 – Olivia and the Pink Limo
29 augusti 202343 minAdam takes the Quints to their first Daddy-Daughter Dance.Prenumerera på discovery+ eller 2 andra eller köp
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- Riley BusbyOlivia BusbyParker BusbyHazel BusbyBlayke BusbyAva BusbyAdam BusbyDanielle Busby
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