Nancy Drew
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S4 B1 - The Dilemma of the Lovers' Curse
30 Mayıs 202343 dakSEASON PREMIERE – Season Four begins as Nancy launches a new investigation to find a group of missing bodies from Horseshoe Bay's cemetery that have been dug up and stolen – or have possibly risen.Max ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS4 B2 - The Maiden's Rage
6 Haziran 202342 dakSTILL CURSED – Ace senses that Nancy is holding back and presses her to give him more information about the curse. Meanwhile, Bess is determined to prepare the perfect meal for Addy's parents, and Nick schedules a brunch date with someone new.Max ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS4 B3 - The Danger of the Hopeful Sigil
13 Haziran 202343 dakFEELINGS – Nancy and Ace share a sweet moment while working together to find a way to break the curse.Max ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS4 B4 - The Return of the Killer's Hook
13 Haziran 202342 dakBESS LANDS A ROLE IN A HORROR FILM SHOOTING IN HORSESHOE BAY – Nancy runs into an old friend who is in town directing a remake of a horror film called "Longhook," where strange things are happening on set.Max ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS4 B5 - The Oracle of the Whispering Remains
27 Haziran 202343 dakSCOTT WOLF DIRECTS – The Drew Crew discover a clue in an unexpected place and call in someone from George's past to help find answers.Max ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS4 B6 - The Web of Yesterdays
4 Temmuz 202343 dakNANCY IS INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN CAREER DAY AT THE HIGH SCHOOL – Nancy and the Drew Crew work together to identify a creature. Meanwhile, Bess reaches out to Carson after receiving a cease-and-desist letter.Max ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS4 B7 - The Reaping of Hollow Oak
11 Temmuz 202342 dakJADE BEGINS TO GROW SUSPICIOUS OF NICK – Nancy and Ace each show up at Nick's loft interrupting his brunch date with Jade. Their behavior leads Jade to wonder if Nick might be up to something shady.Max ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS4 B8 - The Crooked Bannister
18 Temmuz 202343 dakSWITCHED – Nancy sends a group text to the Drew Crew asking them to meet her at The Claw ASAP. Meanwhile, Ace's dad tries to get him to open up about Nancy. Lastly, Carson makes plans with Nancy to mark the one-year anniversary of losing her mom.Max ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS4 B9 - The Memory of the Stolen Soul
25 Temmuz 202342 dakROBIN GIVENS ("RIVERDALE") DIRECTS – Nancy and the Drew Crew prepare to battle a Sin Eater.Max ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS4 B10 - The Ballad of Lives Foregone
1 Ağustos 202342 dakFAMILY – Carson and Ryan work together to help Nancy.Max ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS4 B11 - The Sinner's Sacrifice
8 Ağustos 202342 dakRyan shows up just in the nick of time to help Nancy. Meanwhile, Nick is thrown by a statement George makes.Max ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS4 B12 - The Heartbreak of Truth
15 Ağustos 202343 dakPENULTIMATE - Nancy and the Drew Crew head out to the graveyard after she receives a mysterious call.Max ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS4 B13 - The Light Between Lives
22 Ağustos 202342 dakSERIES FINALE - Nancy and the Drew Crew's mission to save Horseshoe Bay from sins of its past comes to an epic conclusion as they must contend with Nancy's most shocking discovery yet, one that will determine the fate of her star-crossed love with Ace.Max ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alın
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