
What Can I Watch on Prime Video?

Prime Video offers several ways for you to watch movies and TV shows.

  • Included with Prime
  • Movies and TV shows to buy or rent
  • Channel subscriptions

Included with Prime

  • These are movies and TV shows that are included as part of your Prime Video membership.
  • Prime Video members can stream these titles at no additional cost.
  • The selection of "included with Prime" titles changes over time as we add and remove content from the Included with Prime catalog.

Movies and TV shows to buy or rent

  • These are movies and TV shows available for purchase or rental.
  • Prime Video and non-Prime Video members can buy or rent these titles for an additional fee beyond the Prime Video membership cost.
  • Purchased titles are yours to keep, while rented titles are accessible for a limited time period.

Channel Subscriptions

  • These are add-on subscriptions to premium video services like HBO, Showtime, and Starz, etc.
  • You can subscribe to these channels through your Prime Video account to watch content from those services.
  • Channel subscription fees are charged on top of the Prime Video membership cost.

Key Differences

The key difference is that Included with Prime content is covered by your Prime Video membership, while purchases, rentals, channel subscriptions, and PPV (where available) offer expanded content for additional payment.