Horrid Henry

To his family's frustration, Henry is skilled at making trouble, from babysitting pets in his bedroom to starting a shark panic at the swimming pool.
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  1. S. 1 ÉP. 1 - Horrid Henry's Hike
    8 novembre 2006
    11 min
    Just as Henry's settled down to watch his hero Mutant Max, he's forced out of the house for a family walk. However Henry soon discovers that the peaceful countryside can be an exciting and dangerous world for everyone especially if you run into a wasps nest, an angry bull and a very cold lake, all of which contrive to take him back to his comfy seat in front of the television!
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  2. S. 1 ÉP. 2 - Moody Margaret Moves In
    31 octobre 2006
    11 min
    Moody Margaret is moving in whilst her parents are away for a few days, and it's move over Henry too. Mum and Dad are at their wits end too and Henry finds that drastic measures are called for - thank goodness for email and fussy parents who will come running in response, although of course Henry claims he had nothing to do with it.
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  3. S. 1 ÉP. 3 - Horrid Henry's Hobby
    22 novembre 2006
    11 min
    The latest craze is Gizmo collecting. There are ten in all, from common green to rare gold, which is the one that everyone, including Henry, is looking for. When Peter manages to get hold of one, Henry naturally starts looking for ways to make it his own. Stealing and swapping won't work but trickery does, until Mum finds out, that is. But Henry's still got one trick left up his sleeve.
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  4. S. 1 ÉP. 4 - Horrid Henry's School Fair
    6 novembre 2006
    11 min
    Mum is organizing the school fair and is on the hunt for old games and toys. Henry and Peter's old games and toys, to be precise. Henry generously donates his Walkie-Talkie-Burpy-Slurpy-Teasy-Weasy Doll - in fact he's glad to see the back of her. A little careful research and he's located the mega prize in the Treasure Map too - oh, life is sweet! Or is it?
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  5. S. 1 ÉP. 5 - Horrid Henry Tricks and Treats
    27 mai 2008
    11 min
    Its Halloween and Henry is looking forward to playing lots of tricks and being given lots of treats. Of course is all goes horribly wrong when he's sent to his room and banned from leaving the house thanks to his perfect brother. Will the deter our her? Henry find some inventive ways - and a Dark Avenger - to make sure he enjoys a perfectly sweet Halloween!
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  6. S. 1 ÉP. 6 - Horrid Henry's Sports Day
    19 janvier 2007
    11 min
    Miss Battle-Axe is determined that no-one, not even Henry, will spoil this years sports day. After running himself out of the three legged race and getting Peter banned from the egg and spoon race (a nifty case of egg substitution) he finds one diversionary tactic that really works - it seems that no-one can resist a sweetie and and it really is how you play that counts!
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  7. S. 1 ÉP. 7 - Horrid Henry Tricks the Tooth Fairy
    1 novembre 2006
    11 min
    Everyone's losing their teeth, except for Henry - even Perfect Peter has lost his front tooth. It's just not fair and something must be done. But Henry finds that it's not so easy to trick the Tooth Fairy especially as she always seems to be one step ahead of him, and his usual tactics just don't seem to work - it's so not fair!
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  8. S. 1 ÉP. 8 - Horrid Henry and the Demon Dinner Lady
    30 mai 2008
    11 min
    Henry's off school dinners, but his move to the Packed Lunch room reveals a new enemy - Greasy Greta. The demon dinner lady is rigorously enforcing the 'no sweets in school rule' - by eating all the evidence! There's only one way to stop her , by playing her at her own game. And Henry's the one to do it.
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  9. S. 1 ÉP. 9 - Horrid Henry's Christmas
    23 décembre 2006
    11 min
    Christmas! Aaah, a time of happiness and goodwill to all men. All except Stuck Up Steve, that is, who looks set to get his usual huge pile of presents, most of which Henry would really like to receive. But Henry knows that if you really believe in Father Christmas, Father Christmas will deliver. So here it is, Merry Christmas, everybody's having fun!
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  10. S. 1 ÉP. 10 - Horrid Henry and the Bogey Babysitter
    28 décembre 2006
    11 min
    Henry knows how to deal with babysitters, he's got them eating out of his hand. But when Rabid Rebecca turns up, Henry finds out that his usual tactics just don't work, and he's forced to be even more inventive, even joining forces with Peter in the Battle of the Spiders.
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  11. S. 1 ÉP. 11 - Who Stole Mr. Kill
    2 novembre 2006
    11 min
    When Mr Kill goes missing, Henry goes into overdrive, playing detective to the full.  Suspects are many and varied - Dad, Perfect Peter and of course Moody Margaret!  But Henry learns his lesson the hard way - that the answer's often right under your nose!
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  12. S. 1 ÉP. 12 - Horrid Henry Goes Swimming
    20 juin 2007
    11 min
    Another day, another swimming lesson and Henry needs to come up with something good to avoid his least favourite lesson of all time!  Will Henry's plans sink without a trace or will he find a way to finish off the opposition?
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  13. S. 1 ÉP. 13 - Horrid Henry Goes to Work
    4 juin 2008
    11 min
    It's take your child to work day and Henry can't wait! A whole day playing computer games, eating donuts and surfing the web! Or so he thinks. When Henry finds that he's taking the rap for all Bill's (Boss's son) misdemeanours, he finds a way to let the Big Boss know that his son is not as perfect as he thought and Henry is left in peace to enjoy the rest of the day exactly as he'd planned.
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  14. S. 1 ÉP. 14 - Horrid Henry's Birthday
    9 janvier 2007
    11 min
    Every year it seems as though Henry's birthday parties couldn't get any worse. Banned from Lazer Zap as a result of previous misdemeanours, they have to find another venue at short notice. Home wasn't exactly what Henry had in mind, but being Henry he will always find a way to improvise!
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  15. S. 1 ÉP. 15 - Horrid Henry Eats Out
    19 février 2007
    11 min
    A special night out at a posh restaurant with Rich Aunt Ruby and Stuck Up Steve is exactly what Henry doesn't want, especially when he'd rather be getting stuck in at Whopper Whoppee.  But with a little encouragement from Dad and a delicious plate of snails to look forward to, Henry decides to make the best of it.
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  16. S. 1 ÉP. 16 - Horrid Henry's Mega-Mean Time Machine
    1 février 2007
    11 min
    Henry's home made time machine takes Peter back to the future, to visit the Peter Museum.  Peter is delighted, he always knew he was special.  But even he doesn't realise quite how special, until Moody Margaret brings him back to the present with a bump!
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  17. S. 1 ÉP. 17 - Horrid Henry and the Dinner Guests
    31 août 2007
    11 min
    There's a chocolate mousse in the fridge with Henry's name on it, so he's outraged when he finds out that he doesn't figure in Mum and Dad's dinner plans. He manages to wheedle his way into the evening, but comes face to face with a worthy opponent - Mum's boss, who turns out to be even more horrid than Henry!
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  18. S. 1 ÉP. 18 - Horrid Henry's School Trip
    8 juin 2008
    11 min
    Henry's really looking forward to his school trip - a visit to the local ice cream factory. So he's none too pleased to find out that it's closed and they're off to the museum instead. But the local mummies and dinosaurs liven things up a bit and when he manages to frame Peter too, well it's almost a perfect day
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  19. S. 1 ÉP. 19 - Horrid Henry Gets Rich Quick
    8 septembre 2007
    11 min
    Horrid Henry loves money in all its forms.  But it doesn't love him and he never seems to have enough of it.  Mum's suggestion that he might like to earn some seems to be the answer to his problems, though selling Peter as a servant isn't quite what Mum had in mind!
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  20. S. 1 ÉP. 20 - Horrid Henry's Horrid Revenge
    10 juin 2008
    11 min
    When Henry accidentally paints Peter blue, he's sent to his room for a very long time and all his stuff is confiscated.  But he has the last laugh when he finds a way to get Peter into trouble, and not only Peter but the Best Boys Club too - revenge is sweet, especially when it's coloured blue!
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  21. S. 1 ÉP. 21 - Perfect Peter's Horrid Day
    1 septembre 2007
    11 min
    When Peter realises that it sometimes it pays to be horrid, he decides to be really, really  horrid, but can he ever be horrid enough when he's got Henry as a big brother?
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  22. S. 1 ÉP. 22 - Horrid Henry's Sick Day
    1 novembre 2007
    11 min
    Henry's plan to take a day off from school comes spectacularly unstuck when he finds that everyone else has come down with the lurgy. Spending the day looking after everyone but himself wasn't part of the plan, so how can Henry find the time to perfect his computer skills?
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  23. S. 1 ÉP. 23 - Horrid Henry is Trapped!
    13 juin 2008
    11 min
    When Henry manages to lock himself in the cellar with Peter, his first reaction is that it's just not fair. His second reaction is to find a way out, but he soon discovers that things aren't always as straightforward as they seem, and that the truth is always out there, somewhere!
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  24. S. 1 ÉP. 24 - Horrid Henry's Sleepover
    30 mai 2008
    11 min
    Henry is right out of sleepover options until New Nick invites him over for what Henry assumes will be another great night of mayhem. But he discovers just how wrong he is when he finds out there are some people in the world who are even more way out than Henry!
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  25. S. 1 ÉP. 25 - Horrid Henry and the Football Fiend
    6 avril 2008
    11 min
    Henry's team Ashton Athletic have made it to a cup-tie against the mighty Manchester United. Henry's only chance to see the match live is to win 'Best Player' in a school football competition - (first prize two tickets to the game), but first he has to beat the best player in the school - and she's a girl!
    Ce programme est temporairement indisponible.
Afficher les 52 épisodes


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Dave Unwin
Lucinda Whiteley
Lizzie WaterworthEmma TateTamsin HeatleyWayne Forester
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