Tin Star

Ambientato nelle maestose Montagne Rocciose Canadesi, Tin Star narra la storia di un ex detective britannico che porta la famiglia nella minuscola e tranquilla Little Big Bear per una vita migliore. Ma quando la sua cittadina viene invasa da lavoratori migranti di una nuova raffineria, l'ondata di criminalità organizzata che segue minaccia di spazzare via ogni cosa e riesumare il passato.
IMDb 7,2201710 episodiX-RayUHDTV-MA
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  1. S1 E1 - Fun and (S)laughter

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    28 settembre 2017
    British detective and recovering alcoholic Jim Worth moves his family to a small town in the Canadian Rockies. As the new chief of police, he begins to investigate North Stream Oil and their new refinery – struggling to protect his family and the town from the wave of organized crime that follows. After Jim’s family suffers a shocking tragedy, dangerous secrets begin to emerge.
    Primo episodio gratuito
  2. S1 E2 - The Kid

    28 settembre 2017
    The Worth family is left devastated by the tragedy that has taken place. Racked with guilt at escaping the bullet meant for him, Jim struggles to repress his alcoholism. Meanwhile, the perpetrators of the botched assassination disguise themselves in town. However, when a member of the group slips up, Anna will uncover a piece of incriminating evidence.
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  3. S1 E3 - Comfort of Strangers

    28 settembre 2017
    After a night of heavy drinking, Jim returns to the hotel to find that Anna has disappeared. While Jim searches for his daughter, all hell breaks loose in Little Big Bear.
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  4. S1 E4 - Jack

    28 settembre 2017
    Despite his infatuation for the police chief’s daughter, Whitey sets in motion a violent plan to ensnare Jim. Bradshaw faces a moral and professional crisis when faced with the chance to destroy Jim's life.
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  5. S1 E5 - Bait

    28 settembre 2017
    With Jim banished from his family home, Angela decides to take the security of her family into her own hands. Whitey’s uncle Frank attempts to take advantage of the oil boom by presenting local bar owner with a business proposal. Meanwhile, Whitey executes a plan designed to lure Worth.
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  6. S1 E6 - Cuckoo

    28 settembre 2017
    Knowing Angela and Anna are alone, an off-the-rails Whitey seizes an opportunity. Bradshaw begins to dig deeper and uncovers dangerous secrets about her employer.
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  7. S1 E7 - Exposure

    28 settembre 2017
    Jack’s excessive reaction to Whitey and Anna’s connection drives him further away from her. Sensing intent for revenge, Angela makes a shocking decision. Meanwhile, Elizabeth investigates a lead and will be shocked by what she finds.
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  8. S1 E8 - This Be The Verse

    28 settembre 2017
    Jack starts to piece things together about the perpetrators of the family tragedy. Elizabeth will stop at nothing to expose her employer who serves a formidable adversary.
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  9. S1 E9 - Fortunate Boy

    28 settembre 2017
    Flashing back 10 years, we meet Jack Devlin, undercover and at the peak of his drug addiction. All the while, Angela and Anna are living a matter of miles away. His operation culminates over one fateful night, leading to a traumatising series of events, the ramifications of which follow him all the way to Little Big Bear.
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  10. S1 E10 - My Love is Vengeance

    28 settembre 2017
    Jack, upon learning the identity of the killer, abandons any remaining semblance of being the town’s symbol of law and order. Both he and Angela head into the mountains to bring things to a conclusion. Blood will be spilled.
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