Personally Yours

Susannah and Jesse Stanton divorced two years prior with three children. When Susannah starts dating a lawyer, the children decide to find someone for their father, sending a letter to a popular magazine called Alaskan Love. He receives a large number of responses, but the children later feel that his perfect match is Susannah, and they try to arrange a plan to bring them together.
IMDb 6,61 h 30 min200013+
ComediaRomanceDe buen rolloApasionada
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Jeffrey Reiner


Joan BarnettMary-Ellis BunimJack GrossbartLinda L. KentJonathan Murray


Valerie BertinelliJeffrey NordlingBritt IrvinMichael WelchRoss MalingerAndrea RothDonnelly RhodesEmily Tennant


Multicom Entertainment Group, Inc.
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