Yes I Am - The Ric Weiland Story

Yes I Am chronicles LGBTQ pioneer & unknown founder of Microsoft. With his newfound wealth, he turned to philanthropy. During his life, he donated more than $200m to fund more than 60 non-profit organizations. His efforts still have a massive impact today. However, as his wealth grew, Ric seemed to slip further into self-doubt, depression, and a kind of impostor syndrome.
IMDb 8.61h2023X-Ray13+
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EnglishEnglish Dialogue Boost: MediumEnglish Dialogue Boost: High


English [CC]


Aaron Bear


Fenton BaileyRandy BarbatoWes HurleyMatty Brown


Zachary QuintoBill GatesGil Bar-SelaMike SchaeferMichael FaillaTom Powell


Virgil Films
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