S1 E1 - The Vintons
April 17, 200943minTearaway teenagers Brittani and Ivan's wayward behavior is driving their moms to despair. In a bid to get them back on track, the two teens will leave their respective homes for a week, to live under the roof - and rules - of a strict Southern Californian family. Lisa and Scott Vinton have strong opinions about how teenagers should behave. No smoking, no piercings and no privacy. Their household is based on chores, rules and consequences. But will this rigid regime change Brittani and Ivan - two headstrong teenagers who are used to doing what they want, when they want - for the better?Available to buyS1 E2 - The Hatchers
April 24, 200943minThe hardworking Hatcher family play host to hedonistic teenagers Reed and Jessica. Neither of these indulged teens is used to doing anything for themselves - but all that's about to change as they spend a week with the no-nonsense Hatchers. The teens will have to get their hands dirty working from dawn till dusk at the family's Tennessee dairy and veterinary clinic - and they'll have to adjust to a new way of life where everyone is required to contribute.Available to buyS1 E3 - The McCuins
May 1, 200943minWild teenagers Ricky and Katie have partied their way out of their parents' control. In an attempt to tame them, they're being packed off to live in the McCuin family's strict, deeply religious, Tennessee household. Dad Steve is head pastor at the local church and he prides himself on his ability to change people. Mom Angie runs a tight ship at home - she always knows where her kids are, what they're doing, and doesn't let a single slip up go unpunished. During their week in the household, the "new" teens are expected to follow a regimented routine based on faith, family and physical exercise. But will "Slick Rick" and care-free Katie toe the line? Or will they prove a challenge too far for these strict parents?Available to buyS1 E4 - The Heltons
May 9, 200943minStrict Tennessee parents Paul and Dana Helton take in troubled teenagers, Whitney and Stephen, to spend a week living with their family. The teens are in for a shock. As soon as they get a taste of Paul and Dana's zero tolerance approach to parenting, sparks fly and conflict erupts. But when the grueling week of hard work and discipline is through, will either Stephen or Whitney be changed?Available to buyS1 E5 - The Corks
May 15, 200943minA devout South Georgia family opens their home to a pair of unruly teens who have fallen beyond their own parents' control. Impulsive Julie and self-assured Sebastian spend a week living under the strict discipline and structure of David and Dana Cork. But will what proves to be an emotional experience make a lasting difference to either of the teens' troubled relationships with their own parents?Available to buyS1 E6 - The Morrisons
May 22, 200943minAndrea and Daniel Morrison are no-nonsense, interventionist parents, but can living in their ultra-strict household make a difference to a pair of teens whose own parents can no longer control them? The Morrisons waste no time tackling Adele's manipulative streak and Garrett's way-out appearance. After a week with the family, will the teens pledge to rein in their defiance and make changes to their lives?Available to buyS1 E7 - The Rutherfords
May 29, 200943minThey call their 50-acre property Rutherford Ranch. Adam and Pamela share genteel lifestyle with their two teenage daughters (Adam's from a previous marriage), two young sons, three horses and a dog. They have a 5,000 square foot house and many toys such as ATVs, horses and ski equipment. But, they make it clear to the kids every day that they have what they have purely because of hard work and a commitment to excellence. They believe their philosophy about hard work is the key to a good life, and they are devoted to giving their kids the tools they'll need to succeed in life and relationships.Available to buyS1 E8 - The Forsyths
June 5, 200943minFamily and faith are central to everything the Forsyths do. They rarely leave their Arkansas home, which includes a giant family camp where they encourage others to enjoy their daily diet of worship, work and wholesome recreational activities. For the next week they'll take in a very different kind of visitor: two rebellious teenagers, whose bad behavior has got the better of their own parents. But can a stay with Forsyths and exposure to their very traditional family values - transform the teens into model citizens?Available to buyS1 E9 - World's Strictest Parents Ep 109
October 9, 200943minCliff and Lisa Bolton are both high school coaches. But even when they're away from their football team and cheerleaders, they're still very much in coach mode, demanding push-ups or other physical tasks as a consequence for bad behavior.Available to buyS1 E10 - The Bilbens
October 16, 200943minTheresa and Gary Bilben's restaurant is the cornerstone of their approach to parenting. Since idle time provides opportunities for misbehavior, they are sure to fill their kids' schedules and demand text message updates whenever they're unsupervised.Available to buyS1 E11 - The Wrights
October 23, 200943minSam and Amy Wright head up a strict and loving household based on old-fashioned traditional values. The children are expected to address elders with "ma'am" and "sir." Will a week of living in the Wright home force the teens to change their deviant ways?Available to buyS1 E12 - The Mannings
October 30, 200943minThe Mannings are a ranching family from Oregon who believe luxuries and trust must be earned. This means the kids living in their home start off with a mattress and one change of clothes. Do they have what it takes to buckle down and get with the program?Available to buyS1 E13 - The Knights
November 6, 200943minThe Knights are a family who believe in enforcing the law at work and at home. They will take in two rowdy teens that have engaged in illegal activities, and have no respect for authority. Will a week on lockdown force these teens to straighten up?Available to buyS1 E14 - The Bouldins
November 13, 200943minThe Bouldins are a tight-knit North Carolina family who believe that tough love is a biblical principal.The pastor of his own church, Blake Bouldin keeps his own kids on the righteous path and demands they lead disciplined lives.Available to buyS1 E15 - The Gentrups
November 20, 200943minThe Gentrups are a loving Arizona family who believe that a positive and considerate attitude is everything. They believe hard work and giving back to the community is the way to raise self-sufficient and socially engaging kids.Available to buyS1 E16 - The McCormicks
November 28, 200943minThe McCormicks are a strict Iowa family who lay down the law both at work and at home. Sean is a police officer who believes in rigid schedules and hard work for his family.Available to buyS1 E17 - The Calls
December 4, 200943minThe Calls are a large Utah family that depends on everyone pitching in and working hard both in and out of the home. For the next week, the Calls will take in Mark and Ariel, two entitled teens who have never experienced a hard day's work in their lives.Available to buyS1 E18 - The Smidts
January 2, 201043minThe Smidts are an Idaho family who believe that rural living promotes a good work ethic for teenagers. For the next week, they will take in two disrespectful teenagers. Anthony and Sierra do not take orders from anyone.Available to buy
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