Wonders of Life

Season 1
What is life? Where did it come from? Why does it end? 3.7 billion years ago in an obscure part of an unexceptional corner of the universe, something incredible happened. Through an incalculably unlikely set of circumstances, life was created. In this beautiful and definitive science documentary series, Professor Cox explains what led to the most complex, diverse and unique force in the universe.
IMDb 8.520135 episodesX-Ray7+
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  1. S1 E1 - What Is Life?

    January 26, 2013
    How did life on this planet begin? Brian Cox explores the thin line that separates the living from the dead and poses that most enduring of questions: what is life? In this groundbreaking documentary, he journeys to the volcanic landscapes of South-East Asia, seeking to understand how life first emerged from the heat energy beneath the earth’s surface and how that spark has endured to this day.
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  2. S1 E2 - Expanding Universe

    February 2, 2013
    Every animal on earth experiences the world in a different way, using a unique set of senses. Professor Brian Cox travels across the US and encounters some astonishing creatures that reveal how these senses evolved. A unique retelling of our evolutionary history takes Brain through life's journey, from simple organisms to complex beings. How did these senses evolve into human intelligence?
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  3. S1 E3 - Endless Forms Most Beautiful

    February 9, 2013
    Why is Earth so fertile and life so diverse? Professor Brian Cox travels to the richly bio-diverse areas of Southern Africa and searches for clues by considering the chemistry of a lion. The answer, he reveals, is partly carbon. It's a universal building block forged by the stars that is captured by the living world. Could carbon suggest there’s similar life elsewhere in the universe?
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  4. S1 E4 - Size Matters

    February 15, 2013
    How does size determine the nature of life? Professor Brian Cox travels to Australia, to investigate how electromagnetism impacts heavily on different types of life, from a single bacterium to an enormous tree, determining shape, movement and longevity. In this fascinating science documentary, he discovers that size has a profound effect on how you move, how you feed and even how long you live.
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  5. S1 E5 - Home

    February 23, 2013
    What it is about our world that makes it a home for life and what ingredients were necessary to transform this once barren planet into the earth we know today? In this remarkable science documentary, Professor Brian Cox reveals that it was a rare chain of events, combined with the power of life itself, that have made earth unique in the universe. But could there be life elsewhere in space?
    Available to buy


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Gideon Bradshaw


James Van der PoolGideon Bradshaw


Brian Cox


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