Weird Weapons of World War II

Season 1
This definitive series opens a pandoras box of weird, wonderful and scary weapons from World War II. A few were so fantastical that they never got beyond the conception stage. Others were developed, tested and taken to prototype. Some were then used in battle to terrifying effect.
20062 episodes16+
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  1. S1 E1 - Episode 1

    January 4, 2006
    From deathrays and giant wire traps in the sky to ensnare bombers, to flying saucers, warships hewn from icebergs and rocket-propelled tanks, the imagination and ingenuity of Allied and Nazi weapons experts knew no bounds in their frenzied efforts to overcome the enemy and win the war.
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  2. S1 E2 - Episode 2

    January 10, 2006
    From deathrays and giant wire traps in the sky to ensnare bombers, to flying saucers, warships hewn from icebergs and rocket-propelled tanks, the imagination and ingenuity of Allied and Nazi weapons experts knew no bounds in their frenzied efforts to overcome the enemy and win the war.
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Martin O'Collins


Stuart Smith


Darlow Smithson Production
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