Wacky Races

Dick Dastardly and his sidekick Muttley will stop at nothing to win but they must compete with lovely Penelope Pitstop and a host of other hilariously zany drivers.
IMDb 7,5201711 episodi7+
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  1. S3 E1 - The Super Silly Swamp Sprint

    10 aprile 2017
    Dastardly and Muttley unleash a squadron of mechanical mosquitoes to wreak havoc on the other cars.
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  2. S3 E2 - The Dopey Dakota Derby

    10 aprile 2017
    A wanted poster inspires Dastardly to disguise himself as a bandit.
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  3. S3 E3 - Dash to Delaware

    10 aprile 2017
    Dastardly plots to cover the roadway with icing and send Peter and Penelope spinning into a cake-making machine.
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  4. S3 E4 - Speeding for Smogland

    10 aprile 2017
    On the set of a medieval-themed movie, Dastardly attempts to trap the racers with the castle gate and drawbridge.
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  5. S3 E5 - Race Rally to Raleigh<NL>

    10 aprile 2017
    Dick Dastardly uses floor wax to slide the other cars into MacDonald's farm.
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  6. S3 E6 - Ballpoint, Penn., or Bust

    10 aprile 2017
    Dick Dastardly causes flat tires with a box of tacks on a jaunt to Ballpoint, Pennsylvania.
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  7. S3 E7 - Fast Track to Hackensack

    10 aprile 2017
    Outside the town of Law 'n Order, Dastardly changes the posted speed limit sign from 35 to 85 to create a Fast Track to Hackensack.
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  8. S3 E8 - The Ski Resort Road Race

    10 aprile 2017
    After causing an avalanche, Dastardly uses a ski jump for his own getaway, but the other cars follow him.
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  9. S3 E9 - Overseas Hi-Way Race

    10 aprile 2017
    On a race from Key Largo to Key West, the racers must cross the famous series of bridges that connect the Florida Keys.
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  10. S3 E10 - Race to Racine

    10 aprile 2017
    Dastardly hopes to exterminate the Ant Hill Mob by dressing Muttley in gangster garb to infiltrate the Bulletproof Bomb.
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  11. S3 E11 - The Carlsbad or Bust Bash

    10 aprile 2017
    The drivers become lost in the tunnels of Carlsbad Caverns.
    Questo titolo non è disponibile perché i diritti sono scaduti


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