
Unsealed Alien Files

Investigate recently released documents regarding alien and UFO encounters, made accessible to the public in 2011 by the Freedom of Information Act. We investigate mass UFO sightings, personal abductions, government cover-ups and breaking alien news from around the world. We delve into the "photoshopping" of space, the value of Wikileaks, and the role social media plays in alien stories.
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  1. S3 E1 - Alien Origins

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    February 20, 2014
    What are UFOs? Are they spacecraft? Or vessels of a different kind, from a place beyond imagination? Do they travel vast distances to reach planet Earth? And do they come in peace-- or to conquer? From mysterious planets at the edge of the Solar System, to epic journeys beyond the boundaries of time and space - Join us as the secret origins of alien visitors are UNSEALED.
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  2. S3 E2 - Human Harvest

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    February 10, 2014
    Nearly three hundred million people worldwide claim to have been abducted by aliens. Many report being subjected to torturous medical experiments. Others return with unwelcome reminders of their ordeal. Are aliens creating human hybrids or are we becoming a kind of domesticated animal, bred for a sinister alien purpose?
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  3. S3 E3 - Astronaut Encounters

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    February 9, 2014
    In the 1960s we too our first steps into a vast new realm-bound for the Moon. But NASA astronauts would soon find they weren't the only ones out there. To this day, NASA denies all UFO accounts and has taken measures to prevent its astronauts from telling their stories.
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  4. S3 E4 - Atmospheric Anomalies

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    February 20, 2014
    Some experts believe many atmospheric light shows are actually caused by extraterrestrials. Do they pose an imminent threat to humanity? Join us as the alien secrets behind atmospheric anomalies.
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  5. S3 E5 - Alien Apocalypse

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    February 27, 2014
    Millions of people believe extraterrestrial live on Earth. Are the aliens here to enlighten us or destroy us? What if the worst-case scenario happened? What would aliens do? And how would they do it?
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  6. S3 E6 - Top 10 Military Encounters

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    May 11, 2014
    They're our first line of defense in the darkest of times. And they're often the first responders to threats from another world. Over the past 70 years the world's military forces have come face to face with thousands of unidentified objects. Yet the details of these encounters remain classified. But some of these armed showdowns have proven too big or too explosive to contain.
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  7. S3 E7 - Alien Skies

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    February 28, 2014
    Every day, millions take to the sky in commercial flights all over the world. But decades of evidence have revealed we may not be the world's only frequent flyers. Are we in danger of losing control of our skies to beings from another world?
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  8. S3 E8 - The Next Wave

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    May 4, 2014
    It's the stuff of nightmares. Emergency lines are flooded with calls as UFOs appear in the sky faster than authorities can track them. Mounting evidence has revealed that UFO waves are able to penetrate the world's most closely guarded airspace at will.
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  9. S3 E9 - Signs of Abduction

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    May 4, 2014
    It's the ultimate close encounter. There have been thousands of reported cases all over the world. But these claims are almost invariably dismissed by authorities with little or no investigation. Mounting evidence has revealed there may be millions of victims, all unaware they've been taken. What are the signs of abduction? Why do aliens appear determined to keep their activities secret?
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  10. S3 E10 - Antigravity

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    May 11, 2014
    UFOs. They can fly at blinding speed or hover effortlessly just a few feet above the ground. And they can do it all without making a sound. How is this possible? Many experts believe the answer is anti-gravity propulsion-advanced technology capable of controlling one of the most powerful forces in the universe. And some believe this gift is no longer exclusive to extraterrestrials. Is it true?
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  11. S3 E11 - UFO Metals

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    June 22, 2014
    UFOs travel to Earth from the distant corners of the universe. Along the way, they must withstand an endless frozen void, intense radiation, and blistering heat. But some of these spacecraft appear to have failed as they reach their destination. Nations all over the world are rumored to have recovered metal debris from these UFO crashes.
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  12. S3 E12 - Triangle Terror

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    June 22, 2014
    The flying saucer. For decades it's been synonymous with UFO terror. But millions of reported encounters tell a very different story. Fear has taken a new shape. From Cold War showdowns to telepathic terrors, join is as we track the rise of Black Triangles.
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  13. S3 E13 - Earth Portals

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    June 29, 2014
    Experts have long believed the universe to be riddled with mysterious portals - shortcuts through space that allow travelers to span vast distances in the blink of an eye. From mighty volcanoes to secret underground civilizations, join us as we seek out these earth portals and attempt to unravel their secrets.
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  14. S3 E14 - Solar System UFOs

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    June 29, 2014
    Where do UFOs come from? Do visitors to planet Earth come from some far off galaxy? Traveling vast distances to the only planet boasting intelligent life in this corner of space. From derelict spacecraft to the Face of Mars, join us as we investigate the shocking secrets of alien civilizations in our solar system.
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  15. S3 E15 - Nazi UFOs

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    September 22, 2013
    The Nazis. Led by Adolf Hitler, they were the greatest evil the world has ever known. In just ten years, Hitler took Germany from crushing depression to world domination. Did the Nazis have access to alien technology? And did they use it to transform their army into a strike-force of unprecedented power? Join us, as the shocking reports of Nazi dealings with alien beings.
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  16. S3 E16 - Alien Bodies

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    October 20, 2013
    Do aliens exist? And have they visited planet Earth? These are perhaps the most important questions of our time. For decades, eyewitnesses have come forward with unsettling stories of alien bodies recovered from crashed UFOs. Join us as we uncover the truth about alien remains and reveal the shocking secrets hidden inside their bodies.
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  17. S3 E17 - UFO Zones

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    September 18, 2014
    Our world is home to many UFO hotspots - where unidentified objects and aliens are reported with alarming regularity. But a select few locations have something extra. They're notorious for strange physical and paranormal phenomenon to extraterrestrial activity. Join us as we journey deep into the heart of the world's most notorious UFO zones.
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  18. S3 E18 - Countdown to Disclosure

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    September 18, 2014
    For decades, UFO researchers have demanded that the government reveals what is knows about UFOs. Who will make the announcement? When will they do it? And what will it mean for the very bedrock institutions of society? Join us as we reveal evidence that the moment of disclosure may be near.
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  19. S3 E19 - Top Ten: Civilian Encounters

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    April 9, 2014
    It can happen to anyone at anytime; a close encounter with a UFO. Citizens all over the world have been reporting incidents with alarming increase. From mass sightings in the sky to probes inside the body. We are counting down the top ten civilian close encounters of all time
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  20. S3 E20 - Alien Achilles Heel

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    April 9, 2014
    Many believe aliens are already here on Earth. But why are they here? Are aliens planning an all-out attack on planet Earth? And if they are, is there any way we can fight back? Join us as we investigate the terrifying capabilities of alien weapons and reveal how humanity can fight back in the final battle for planet Earth.
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