Treasure Champs

Season 1
Pre-school series featuring two comedic animated characters, called Barry and Kari, who explore moral values such as courage, teamwork, loyalty and obedience.
201830 episodes7+
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  1. S1 E1 - Courage
    December 31, 2017
    Kari is scared of playing her trumpet in front of the Treasure Champs, but Barry reminds her how he had courage to buy her trumpet in the first place. Barry also shows courage by going into a dark cave where a funny creature lives! And in this episode, storyteller Ben visits a zoo to tell us the story of Daniel and the Lion's den!
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  2. S1 E2 - Adventourousness
    December 31, 2017
    Barry is adventurous by exploring the wonders beneath a magical trapdoor; coming back with tales of a land full of glitter and unicorns! But Kari is unsure and would prefer to play things safe. Storyteller Krissi tells the story of Moses crossing the Red Sea.
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  3. S1 E3 - Obedience
    November 30, 2017
    Kari is convinced that the 'no ball games' sign doesn't apply to her, but she learns her lesson when she accidentally hurts a flower. Barry teaches her that rules should be obeyed and are there for a reason, so she goes to play her ball in a different area. And storyteller Jonah tells the story of Jonah and Big Fish.
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  4. S1 E4 - Empathy
    December 31, 2017
    Kari struggles to understand why Barry is so sad after a football match in which he was the goalkeeper and let in lots of goals. She sees how upset Barry was, so she helps him train to be better in the future, and afterwards he feels great! Plus, storyteller Gemma will be here to tell the Biblical story of the Good Samaritan.
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  5. S1 E5 - Perseverance
    December 31, 2017
    Kari wants to know how to windsurf like Barry and is told there's no secret but perseverance and hard work. She falls in time and time again, but eventually gets the hang of it! They also have to persevere by building a sandcastle that keeps getting destroyed! Storyteller Jonah will be down on the farm telling us a story all about a lost sheep.
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  6. S1 E6 - Wisdom
    December 31, 2017
    Barry and Kari are very excited about going on a mini-beast hunt but have to learn from their experiences to avoid an enormous puddle! They are rewarded with a special sighting of - and tickles from - two special mini-beasts. Plus, storyteller Krissi tells the Biblical story of 'The Wise and the Foolish Builder'.
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  7. S1 E7 - Self-Respect
    December 31, 2017
    To celebrate their gifts, Kari is hosting a Treasure Champs talent show, but Barry needs help to see that his unique talent is worthy of a performance. Thingy's limbo stunt and Kari's trumpet playing and ball bouncing act go down a storm, but how will Barry's yodelling and eyebrow dancing be received? Plus, storyteller Ben tells the story of 'David the Singing Shepherd Boy'!
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  8. S1 E8 - Responsibility
    December 31, 2017
    Barry is about to finish the biggest domino run he has ever made, but gives Kari the responsibility to look after it while he goes to fetch the final piece. Kari's attention waivers though and after admitting that she was at fault, helps Barry to fulfil his ambition. Plus, storyteller Omar tells us the Biblical story of 'The Parable of the Two Sons'.
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  9. S1 E9 - Sacrifice
    December 31, 2017
    Kari has sacrificed time and energy preparing for an obstacle race in the hope of winning a trophy for her collection, but Barry hasn't trained and struggles in the race. Kari sacrifices the chance of winning to go back and help her friend, and to say thanks Barry gives her one of his trophies. Plus, storyteller Gemma tells the Biblical story of 'The Widow's Mite'.
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  10. S1 E10 - Fairness
    December 31, 2017
    Kari has invented a board game but is making up all the rules and Barry has to do forfeits like being made to quack like a duck and waddle up and down a hill. Eventually she sees the error of her ways and they create a game together where they both create the rules. Plus, storyteller Omar tells the Biblical story of a man named Zacchaeus.
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  11. S1 E11 - Remembering
    December 31, 2017
    Barry doesn't know what to say when Kari reminisces about her grandma. But he finds some of Grandma's old belongings for Kari to enjoy and they celebrate by throwing a party in her memory, feasting on some of Grandma's famous Super Soup. Plus, storyteller Jonah tells us the story about the friendship of Elijah and Elisha.
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  12. S1 E12 - Thankfulness
    December 31, 2017
    Barry and Kari are very excited about going on a mini-beast hunt but have to learn from their experiences to avoid an enormous puddle! They are rewarded with a special sighting of - and tickles from - two special mini-beasts. Plus, storyteller Krissi tells the Biblical story of 'The Wise and the Foolish Builder'.
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  13. S1 E13 - Forgiveness
    December 31, 2017
    Kari is reading her diary and becomes convinced that she's a terrible friend because she's remembering all the things she's done wrong. But Barry says that he has chosen to forgive and forget those things, and proves that she has done the same with the wrong things he has done in the past. Plus, storyteller Amy tells the Biblical story of 'The Prodigal Son'.
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  14. S1 E14 - Teamwork
    December 31, 2017
    Barry wants to play with Kari and struggles to share her with Thingy. After spoiling their fun, they come to see that sharing games together is the best way. Plus, storyteller Gemma tells the Bible story of how a team of friends worked together to help a man who couldn't walk.
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  15. S1 E15 - Loyalty
    December 31, 2017
    Kari is looking forward to going rowing with Barry, but he's changed his mind and goes to the playground instead. But it starts to rain and Barry regrets his lack of loyalty. Thankfully a gust of wind lifts Barry high into the air and plops him into Kari's boat that is doing circles on the lake. They row to an island and watch a rainbow, agreeing that things are best experienced together.
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  16. S1 E16 - Sharing
    December 31, 2017
    Barry wants to play with Kari and struggles to share her with Thingy. After spoiling their fun, they come to see that sharing games together is the best way. Plus, storyteller Omar tells the Biblical story of the 'Feeding the 5000' with the help of a few friends!
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  17. S1 E17 - Creativity
    December 31, 2017
    When Kari is about to throw out an old box of rubbish Barry shows that they can use it for something creative instead. Kari struggles to get her imagination going, but accidentally dropping a box in green paint leads her to create a fantastic homemade alien! Plus, storyteller Gemma tells the Bible story of how all the creative people of a nation came together to make a very special building.
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  18. S1 E18 - Honesty
    December 31, 2017
    Barry denies that he's playing with Kari's building blocks but learns that telling lie upon lie results in people getting hurt. Plus, storyteller Gemma tells the story Saul and David and the most dangerous game of hide-and-seek you could ever imagine!
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  19. S1 E19 - Democracy
    December 31, 2017
    Barry, Kari and Thingy are trying to decide what to play. They try the tactic of "loudest voice wins" but Thingy is the noisiest of all! Instead, they opt to play what most of them want to play. Plus, storyteller Gemma tells a story that shows that everyone matters... and everyone is important to God. We all have special skills, gifts and talents.
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  20. S1 E20 - Generosity
    December 31, 2017
    Barry is playing with all his many toys but is only willing to give Kari a small pebble to play with. When Kari turns it into an exciting toy character, she shows true generosity by letting Barry play with it. Plus, storyteller Gemma tells the Bible story of a very generous woman and a not-so generous dinner-host.
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  21. S1 E21 - Kindness
    December 31, 2017
    In an attempt to apologise to Kari for eating the cake she made him as a surprise, Barry tries to be kind in lots of different ways by becoming Captain Kind Kid! Even though a cake he makes for her is less than perfect, Kari loves it and sees the kindness of the gesture. Plus, storyteller Gemma tells the Bible story of how Elijah helped a woman who had run out of food.
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  22. S1 E22 - Peacefulness
    December 31, 2017
    Home has become too noisy for Barry and Kari so they decide to go to the countryside for some peace.. But the wildlife noises, map rustles and a squeaky camera tripod don't make it a peaceful a place! It's not until they stop, are still and listen, that it becomes restful. Storyteller Gemma tells the story of when Jesus and his friends found themselves in the middle of big, scary storm.
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  23. S1 E23 - Respect
    December 31, 2017
    Barry isn't respecting Kari's privacy or her wish to read a book, constantly interrupting her by playing his trombone no matter where she is hiding! To make matters worse, he even uses her book as a little stage. Plus, storyteller Gemma tells a Bible story about a Roman soldier who was helped by Jesus, even though they never actually met...!
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  24. S1 E24 - Hospitality
    December 31, 2017
    Kari has a playdate at Barry's house but he won't share anything with her. Realising his mistake, he goes too far the other way and overwhelms Kari by giving her everything. It's when Kari creates a den with some of the toys and welcomes him in that he learns the value of hospitality. Storyteller Krissi, tells the story of Abraham when he shows hospitality to three mysterious visitors.
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  25. S1 E25 - Encouragement
    December 31, 2017
    Kari is trying to be a magician, but Barry is very discouraging of her attempts to perform tricks. Barry realises what he must do and becomes an elaborately dressed magician's assistant to cheer her on. The result is a brilliant trick making Thingy appear from under her hat! Plus, storyteller Gemma tells the story of how a scared young man called Gideon became a strong and mighty warrior!
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Audio languages
English [CC]
Jardine Sage
David HallamJon Hancock
Shobna GulatiSanjeev Bhaskar
Three Arrows Media
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