
Thomas & Friends Classic

BAFTA TV AWARDS® 1X nominee in 1987
Join Thomas, Edward, Gordon, Henry, James, Percy and Sir Topham Hatt for the first-ever season of Thomas & Friends!
IMDb 6.5201313 episodesX-RayTV-Y
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  1. S1 E1 - Thomas Gets Tricked / Edward Helps Out

    October 29, 2013
    Cheeky little Thomas enjoys playing tricks on Gordon. When one of his tricks goes a little too far, Gordon expressly teaches Thomas a lesson! Gordon receives his own lesson when he gets stuck on a hill. Luckily, Edward is there to help out.
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  2. S1 E2 - Come Out, Henry! / Edward, Gordon and Henry

    October 15, 1984
    Henry doesn't want to ruin his shiny green coat of paint in the rain. Hiding underneath a tunnel, Henry's pride ends up putting him against a wall and upsetting Sir Topham Hatt. When Gordon bursts a safety valve, it's Henry to the rescue! Leaving his tunnel, Henry puffs and pulls Gordon's coaches, showing Sir Topham Hatt he truly is a Really Useful Engine.
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  3. S1 E3 - A Big Day For Thomas / Trouble for Thomas

    January 13, 2011
    When Thomas gets to pull his own train he is too excited to listen to his driver. He thinks he's become a splendid engine, but his eagerness makes him behave like a cheeky little engine. Before long, Thomas gets into trouble with some silly trucks when he doesn't heed Edward's warning of how to handle them.
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  4. S1 E4 - Thomas Saves The Day / James Learns A Lesson

    September 24, 2004
    When James has trouble with the silly trucks, Thomas saves the day! Sir Topham Hatt rewards Thomas with his own branch line and two coaches - Annie and Clarabel. James still needs to learn a lesson. After being too rough with some coaches, James breaks a pipe that stops his train. He's pulled up by the bootstraps when his guard comes up with a clever idea to get James running again.
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  5. S1 E5 - Foolish Freight Cars / A Proud Day For James

    October 22, 1984
    James is determined to show Sir Topham Hatt how useful he can be. The foolish freight cars try to make James give up pulling them. With Edward's help, James proves he's in it for the long haul. It's an even prouder day for James when boastful Gordon is mistakenly sent off the main line. While Gordon upsets the passengers, James steams up and proudly pulls the express.
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  6. S1 E6 - Thomas and the Conductor / Thomas Goes Fishing

    November 10, 2006
    Impatient Thomas is in such a rush that he races from the station without his conductor. Annie and Clarabel try to put on the brakes, but can't without their conductor. Thomas finds himself up a creek again when he wants to go fishing. But engines don't fish! When Thomas runs out of water, his tank is filled with water from the river. Thomas' wish has finally comes true, but it fishes up trouble.
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  7. S1 E7 - Terence the Tractor / Thomas and Bertie's Great Race

    October 2, 2017
    Cheeky Thomas thinks he's the best. Thomas teases Terence the Tractor about his caterpillar wheels. When Thomas gets stuck in a snowdrift, Thomas sees that Terence's caterpillar wheels are truly splendid. With Bertie the Bus, Thomas challenges him to a great race to see if the rails or the roads are faster. Who will win?
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  8. S1 E8 - Tenders and Turntables / Trouble in the Shed

    November 26, 1984
    It's trouble for the big tendered engines! Problems arise on the turntables during an especially windy day. When Gordon, James, and Henry decide to go on strike, Sir Topham Hatt brings a new tank engine to the yard. Percy the Small Engine arrives and shows what a useful engine he can be. Meanwhile, the bigger engines are not too happy being shut up at Tidmouth Sheds.
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  9. S1 E9 - Percy Runs Away / Henry's Special Coal

    December 3, 1984
    When Percy is forgetful on the main line; he gets quite the surprise as Gordon rushes straight towards him on the track. Percy runs away, preventing an accident. Meanwhile, Henry gets quite the surprise when he learns he needs special coal to run properly. With the proper coal, Henry can go full steam ahead!
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  10. S1 E10 - The Flying Kipper / Whistles and Sneezes

    April 1, 1989
    Breakdowns! Henry proudly pulls "The Flying Kipper", the train from the fish quay. But when the switches are frozen and the signal breaks, it's Henry that goes flying! Then Gordon's whistle breaks. He sounds silly until his whistle is knocked back into place. Meanwhile, naughty boys knock Henry with stones from a bridge. With one big sneeze, Henry knocks a little sense into those naughty boys.
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  11. S1 E11 - Toby the Tram Engine / Thomas Breaks The Rules

    November 11, 2005
    When Sir Topham Hatt and his family go on holiday, they meet Toby the Steam Tram and his faithful coach Henrietta. Meanwhile, a new policeman writes Thomas up for breaking the rules. Even Sir Topham Hatt cannot help Thomas, as the law is the law. Without the proper equipment, Thomas cannot work that line. But there is one engine that can -- Toby the Tram Engine!
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  12. S1 E12 - James In A Mess / Gordon Takes A Dip

    January 27, 2003
    James loves boasting that he is a splendid engine. When he crossly bumps some freight cars, James ends up in a sticky situation and is no longer such a splendid red engine. And when Gordon is cross that he has to take a special train, he decides to sabotage his job. While jamming the turntable, he is unable to stop...and Gordon takes a dip!
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  13. S1 E13 - Down The Mine / Thomas' Christmas Party

    November 11, 1984
    Rescue on the Rails! There's trouble on the tracks when Thomas ignores a danger sign at the mine and needs to be rescued. Then it's Thomas and his friends to the rescue when Mrs. Kyndley gets snowed in at Christmas.
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David Mitton


Britt AllcroftDavid MittonRobert Cardona


Ringo Starr


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