The Runaways

The film follows two friends, Joan Jett (KRISTEN STEWART) and Cherie Currie (DAKOTA FANNING), as they rise from rebellious Southern California kids to rock stars of the now legendary group that paved the way for future generations of girl bands. They fall under the Svengali-like influence of rock impresario Kim Fowley (MICHAEL SHANNON), who turns the group into an outrageous success and a famil..
IMDb 6,51 h 46 min2010X-RayR
DramaArte, entretenimiento y culturaEmotivaInspiradora
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EnglishEnglish Dialogue Boost: MediumEnglish Dialogue Boost: High


English [CC]


Floria Sigismondi


John LinsonArt LinsonBill Pohlad


Kristen StewartDakota FanningMichael ShannonStella MaeveScout Taylor-ComptonAlia ShawkatRiley KeoughJohnny LewisTatum O'NealBrett CullenHannah MarksJill AndrePeggy StewartBrendan Sexton IIIKeir O'Donnell


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