The Flying Tigers

Season 1
From their bases in western China, one of the most famous mlitary units in history, the Flying Tigers, changed the course of World War II. The Flying Tigers were US airmen who flew into China during the Second World War. Some say that their presence in the Far East was the final straw that led to Japan's decision to attack Pearl Harbor. Only fragments of their story have been told until now.
20154 episodes7+
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  1. S1 E1 - Origins: The Tigers Swoop

    January 1, 2015
    The U.S.S. President Garfield was heading to China. His true task was to assess the condition of China's air force. His planned three month assignment turned into eight years of warfare. By its end, he would be a major general and the unity created, the Flying Tigers, would be the most famous squadron in the history of aerial warfare.
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  2. S1 E2 - Battle Over China - The Tigers Swipe

    January 1, 2015
    In 1941, a motley dressed group of Americans sailed across the Pacific. Few who saw this ragtag group would've guessed that they would soon become one of the most famous military units in history. The American Volunteer Group entered the war through the backdoor, literally. By the time they arrived in Asia, Japan controlled all of China's ports. So they traveled to Rangoon, Burma.
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  3. S1 E3 - Over The Hump - The Tigers Roar

    January 1, 2015
    Pilots who flew over the Hump Route of the Eastern Himalayas said they didn't need a compass. Also known infamously as the Aluminum Alley had so many crashed planes along the route that they could navigate by the wrecks below. From early 1942, the Hump Route flying over the Himalayas was the only channel for supplies to reach China.
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  4. S1 E4 - Endgame -The Tigers Warriors

    January 1, 2015
    In April 1943, two American generals traveled from China to Washington. They had the same goal, to drive Japan out of China, but very different agendas. General Claire Chennault wanted more planes. General Joseph Stilwell wanted equipment for the infantry. Only one man could decide what to do, U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt.
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Steven SeidenbergDuan JianguoZhang Jian


Hang YinghaoShirley ChengLeland Ling


Steven Seidenberg


Total Content Digital
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