
Shark Week

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  1. S2016 E1 - Isle of Jaws

    June 25, 2016
    Shark photographer Andy Casagrande and marine biologist Dr. Jonathan Werry get up close and personal with a dozen large great whites sharks in the hopes of solving two great white secrets -- where they mate and where they have their young.
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  2. S2016 E2 - Sharktacular 2016

    June 22, 2015
    Eli Roth hosts the must-see survival guide to America's favorite week with exclusive sneak peaks, viral videos and the greatest sharks in Shark Week history.
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  3. S2016 E3 - Tiger Beach

    June 25, 2016
    Tiger sharks are known for their killing power and voracious appetite, but little is known about where they mate and where the females give birth. Dr. Neil Hammerschlag travels to the shallow waters of the Bahamas called Tiger Beach to find answers.
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  4. S2016 E4 - Return of the Monster Mako

    July 7, 2015
    Professional shark tagger Keith Poe and marine biologists Greg Stuntz and Matt Ajemain use state-of-the-art technology to document the hunting techniques of a 1,000-pound mako shark.
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  5. S2016 E5 - Shallow Water Invasion

    June 26, 2016
    Using a self-propelled shark cage called The Explorer, marine biologists Mauricio Hoyos and Grant Johnson investigate a recent discovery at Guadalupe Island -- great whites moving into shallow waters at night.
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  6. S2016 E6 - Jaws of the Deep

    June 26, 2016
    Dr. Greg Skomal and the SharkCam team return to Guadalupe Island in search of Deep Blue, the world's largest great white shark. During their mission they deploy two robot subs, and what they find is truly remarkable.
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  7. S2016 E7 - Sharks Among Us

    June 26, 2016
    Sharks attacks on humans and sharks killed by humans are increasing around globe, but Dr. Craig O'Connell believes he has developed a system that will prove once and for all that shark and people can peacefully coexist -- and live!
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  8. S2016 E8 - Wrath of a Great White

    August 6, 2013
    A deadly newcomer has taken residence in the waters of the Pacific Northwest, leaving behind frightened eyewitnesses and bitten surfers. Shark experts Ralph Collier and Brandon McMillan seek answers to why the great whites travel so far north.
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  9. S2016 E9 - Air Jaws: Night Stalker

    August 11, 2012
    Famed shark photographer Chris Fallows embarks on his eighth Air Jaws adventure with shark expert Jeff Kurr and shark biologist Dr. Neil Hammerschlag as they discover how great white sharks hunt in total darkness.
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  10. S2016 E10 - Deadliest Sharks

    June 28, 2016
    Dr. Michael Domeier and Dr. Barry Bruce go looking for rare oceanic white tip sharks to see if the species deserves the reputation as the deadliest shark. Using cutting-edge research and historical evidence, the scientists are spooked by what they find.
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  11. S2016 E11 - Sharks vs. Dolphins: Face-Off

    June 28, 2016
    Dr. Mike Heithaus and his team set out into a hostile and dangerous environment to study the relationship between dolphins and sharks. What they find during their research could solve one of the oceans deepest mysteries.
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  12. S2016 E12 - Nuclear Sharks

    June 29, 2016
    Philippe and Ashlan Cousteau travel with marine biologist Luke Tipple to Bikini Atoll, the nuclear testing site famously destroyed during the Cold War. During their travels they discover a large population of reef sharks and what they find is shocking.
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  13. S2016 E13 - Jungle Shark

    June 29, 2016
    Dr. Craig O’Connell and photographer Andy Casagrande trek through the rainforests of Costa Rica to investigate why young bull sharks swim up the Serena River and how they avoid the very large American crocodiles living there.
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  14. S2016 E14 - Shark Bait

    June 30, 2016
    There's a new battleground on the map for seals and great whites called Cape Cod. Dr. Greg Skomal and his team wonder: what are the sharks doing here, and what is Cape Cod's future if the number of seals and sharks continue to increase?
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  15. S2016 E15 - Blue Serengeti

    June 30, 2016
    Dr. Barbara Block has been studying the white sharks off of California for more than 27 years. Now, with breakthrough camera and tracking technology, she’s giving viewers a portrait of a formerly unseen domain. She calls it the Blue Serengeti.
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  16. S2016 E16 - Sharksanity 3

    July 1, 2016
    We scour the seas to bring you the greatest moments from Shark Week 2016! Only the closest calls, biggest bites and greatest gadgets made the cut! Then we're revealing viewers' top picks for the best of Shark Week history.
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  17. S2016 E17 - The Killing Games

    July 2, 2016
    Dr. Jonathan Werry and Andy Casagrande travel to a special location in south Australia to research a new great white hunting strategy where they no longer wait for seals to enter the ocean -- they come out of the water and snatch them from the shore!
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Jeff KurrNick StringerTony SaccoBrian ArmstrongPaul MatusheskiGareth JohnsonKevin BacharMarc OstrickNick CaloyianisScott Gurney


Chris Lofft


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