xivetv documentaries


Season 1
Explore engineering innovation and its impact on society transportation trade and warfare With a focus on sea rail land and air learn how technological advancements have shaped history and our future Examines themes like speed size and progress in materials and construction Through archive footage stateoftheart graphics and interviews with experts learn about key stages in technological
20178 episodesTV-14
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  1. S1 E1 - Pushing the Limits

    February 14, 2017
    Since humanity first looked skyward we have dreamed of taking to the air skirting the laws of physics and pushing engineering science to ever greater heights The power of flight ranks among one of humanities greatest achievements We journey from the experimental breakthrough of the Wright brothers to the contemporary icon of modern travel the Boeing 747 and from todays cutting edge of
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  2. S1 E2 - Faster Further Bigger Better

    February 21, 2017
    Since man first lifted off the ground the quest for air power has been ceaseless It is fueled by relentless innovation brave pioneering and creative experimentation Not without failure and tragedy the desire for mastery of the air has carried us ever forward and ever faster
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  3. S1 E3 - The Need For Speed

    February 28, 2017
    To travel on land one thing is prized above all else Speed Since the fast production methods of Henry Ford put the world on wheels speed has influenced every aspect of cars And the car has literally shaped our world In this episode we surge from the once ubiquitous utilitarian Model T to the muscular V8 stylings of the Mustang and from the jet power supersonic thrust to the electric game changes
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  4. S1 E4 - Go Anywhere

    March 7, 2017
    The automobile has changed the world we live in Colossal networks of roads have reshaped the land carving paths between cities and towns built around the needs of cars But land going vehicles are not confined to tarmac The true mobility and freedom afforded by automobiles is in their ability to take us beyond In this episode we venture from the rough and ready revolution of the military Jeep to
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  5. S1 E5 - Ruling the Waves

    March 14, 2017
    For centuries the fight for command of the sea has determined the rise and fall of empires and nations To rule the waves navies around the world have been locked in a battle to develop the most powerful and technologically superior vessels In this episode we chart a course from the once revolutionary steam powered Dreadnought battleships to the nuclear powered fortresses that are aircraft
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  6. S1 E6 - New Horizons

    March 21, 2017
    The sea is where life on earth began And for man himself a product of the sea the journey to explore and better understand this primordial world is in many ways a journey of self discovery With waterborne craft being the oldest vehicle known to history the sea has driven inventions since ancient times and continues to drive it today In this episode we set sail from the hydrofoil catamarans that
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  7. S1 E7 - Steel on Steel

    March 28, 2017
    Power Brute power Belching from a smoke stack or roaring from a diesel The power to cross continents move armies destroy distance Artists writers poets seem to have found the greatest fascination and the greatest romance in the powerful engines they have watched cross bridges climb mountains and drive though the heart of cities The romance of trains The story of rail travel is the story of huge
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  8. S1 E8 - The Fast Track

    April 4, 2017
    Railways deliver the power to move people freight armies and raw materials They also have the technology to do it fast In this episode we investigate the high speed trains that link cities the futuristic visions of magnetic levitation and pods and tell the story of engineering marvels from the longest train to a miniature wonderland
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Chris BamfordHolly Trueman


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