Pororo's Dinosaur Song
S2 E1 - 1. Triceratops
November 30, 20231minLet's learn about Triceraptops who has three giant horns on its face!Join PrimeS2 E2 - 2. Therizinosaurus
December 7, 20231minLet's learn about Therizinosaurus, a herbivorous dinosaur with great claws and terrifying appearance but a plant-eater.Join PrimeS2 E3 - 3. Pteranodon
December 8, 20231minLet's learn about the Pteranodon soaring through the sky, steering with its long crest.Join PrimeS2 E4 - 4. Oviraptor
December 22, 20231minLet's find out about Oviraptor, a dinosaur with feathers that cuddly takes care of its nest!Join Prime
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