Pehli Sher Doosari Savaasher Navara Paavsher

The film is a story portraying Pandu's struggle to maintain peace in his family. Pandu happily married to Kamala marries another woman, Malki, because Kamala could not bear him a child. Trouble begins for Pandu for sharing time between the two demanding wives, who act one above the other. Kamala and Malki fight for their rights, leaving Pandu hilariously sandwiched in this war.
IMDb 6.92 h 42 min2005ALL
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Pitambar Kale


S.B. Pardesi


Surekha KudachiAshok SarafSarika NawatheVijay ChavanPrema KiranVijay PatkarRukmini SutarParag ChowdharySunil Godabole


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