Partners in Crime

Margherita Buy and Sergio Castellitto take us through a brilliantly crafted story of what happens when one member of a married couple looses their memory, and has to rely solely on the other to try and put their world back together. Can he be sure he is the man she's describing? In this psychological thriller, the path to the truth is complex, painful and full of surprises for both of them.
IMDb 5,31 h 24 min2017X-Ray13+
Disponibile per il noleggio o l’acquisto

I noleggi includono 30 giorni per iniziare a guardare il video e 48 ore per completarlo una volta iniziato.


Maggiori informazioni

Lingue audio



English [CC]


Alex Infascelli


Gianluca CurtiMarco De AngelisNicola De AngelisAlessandro Loy


Margherita BuySergio Castellitto


Minerva Pictures Group
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