Parables of Jesus for Kids

Esther and John are siblings who are trying to flee from war torn Syria. Joshua, their cousin, is also traveling with them. They are now trying to cross the border and find their parents with the help of Uncle Yesh, who uses every opportunity they find on their way to teach kids why it's important to follow the Word of God, by using the Parables that Jesus told his disciples.
201713 episodes13+
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  1. S2 E1 - The Parable of The Wedding Banquet
    October 11, 2017
    'The Parable of The Wedding Banquet' is about saying Yes to God's invitation to lead a life worthy of heaven. This parable stresses that one should be willing to change when he receives an invitation from God.
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  2. S2 E2 - The Parable of The Lowest Place
    October 11, 2017
    'The Parable of the Lowest Place' from the Gospel of St. Luke stresses the importance of humility. In this parable, Jesus explained that when one is invited to banquet, one should not take the most important chair at the table. Instead, one should take the least important place, so that when the host sees you there, he will move you to a higher place.
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  3. S2 E3 - The Parable of The Ten Virgins
    October 11, 2017
    'The Parable of The Ten Virgins' is about five wise and five foolish bridesmaids. All of them went to meet the bridegroom taking their lamps with them, but only the wise women carried extra oil as a precaution. When the bridegroom was delayed, lamps of the foolish went out. And by the time the foolish went to the dealers to get more oil, the gates were closed, and only the wise could get in.
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  4. S2 E4 - The Parable of The Barren Fig Tree
    October 11, 2017
    'The Parable of The Barren Fig Tree' is about a man who plants a fig tree in his vineyard. After a few years, when he came back to collect the fruits, he finds the tree barren, so he asks his gardener to cut it down. The gardener begs to give the tree another year, and the owner agrees. In this parable, the gardener represents Jesus, and the fig tree represent the people of this world.
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  5. S2 E5 - The Parable of The Good Samaritan
    October 11, 2017
    In 'The Parable of The Good Samaritan' a man is attacked on the road by robbers, and they leave him half dead on the road side. A Priest and a Levite walk by without offering any help. Then a merchant arrives who cleans him up, clothes him and takes him to the nearest inn, thereby becoming the Good Samaritan.
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  6. S2 E6 - The Parable of a Seed Growing By Itself
    October 11, 2017
    'The Parable of a Seed Growing by Itself' is about a man who sows seeds in a field. The man then comes back when the grain is ripe with a sickle to reap the harvest.
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  7. S2 E7 - The Parable of The Widow and The Unjust Judge
    October 11, 2017
    'The Parable of the Widow and the Unjust Judge' is about a persistent widow who keeps going to an unjust judge seeking justice. The judge at first refuse to help her, but later agrees because the widow kept coming to him.
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  8. S2 E8 - The Parable of The Pharisee and The Tax Collector
    October 11, 2017
    One day a Pharisee and Tax Collector go to pray. During prayer, the Pharisee compares himself to the Tax collector, and considers himself blameless. Whereas, the Tax collector was beating his chest crying 'Forgive me, I'm a sinner'. Watch and find why God blessed the Tax collector in this wonderful episode.
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  9. S2 E9 - The Parable of The Friend At Midnight
    October 11, 2017
    'The Parable of 'The Friend at Midnight' is about a man who goes to his friend's place seeking bread. Even though the friend refuses to help him at first, he eventually gives him what he wants because of his persistence. Jesus is comparing this friend to our Loving God.
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  10. S2 E10 - The Parable of The Workers In The Vineyard
    October 11, 2017
    In the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, Jesus compares the owner of a vineyard to God, and explains that the owner pays the workers whatever he feels like. This parable stresses that God's ways are not the ways of people.
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  11. S2 E11 - The Parable of The Wicked Tenants
    October 11, 2017
    In the Parable of the Wicked Tenants, a man planted a vineyard and appointed tenants to watch it. But when he sent his slaves to collect from the vineyard, the tenants seized the slave and beat him up! The tenants did the same to all the slaves that were sent to collect. Finally, the owner sent his own son, thinking the tenants would respect him. Watch this episode to learn the full story!
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  12. S2 E12 - The Parable of The Last Judgement
    October 11, 2017
    In the Parable of the Last Judgement, Uncle Yesh explains to the kids how God will separate the sinners from good people.
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  13. S2 E13 - The Parable of The Children At Marketplace
    October 11, 2017
    Jesus is cautioning the people in the 'Parable of The Children at Marketplace' to open themselves to the Voice of God. He said that when John the Baptist came to them with the message of repentance, even learned people refused to believe him. They weren't practicing what they preached.
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Janson Media
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