On the Trail of Bigfoot: Land of the Missing

Centuries of reports of hair-covered creatures roaming Alaska have been uncovered. There exist numerous legends of horrific beings that blur the line between Bigfoot and something else. Now, eyewitnesses and experts alike recount stories that will chill you to your bone. Stories that tie Bigfoot-like creatures to tales of mountain giants, and even missing people.
IMDb 6,61 h 16 min202313+
Disponibile per il noleggio o l’acquisto

I noleggi includono 30 giorni per iniziare a guardare il video e 48 ore per completarlo una volta iniziato.


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EnglishEnglish Dialogue Boost: MediumEnglish Dialogue Boost: High


English [CC]


Seth Breedlove


Seth BreedloveHeather Moser


Cliff Barackman


Small Town Monsters
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