
Oddbods - Funny Cartoons For Kids

Welcome to the world of Oddbods! Oddbods take a look at everyday life through the eyes of seven distinct personalities, all bundled up in bright furry suits. With an appetite for love, laughter, destruction and drama, prepare yourself for anything and everything.
202113 episodes7+
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  1. S6 E1 - A Lazee Holiday

    July 21, 2021
    A brochure for a beach holiday falls into Zee's lap as he dozes outside on his couch. It makes him realise how much he really fancies taking a break from all his lying around - and go lie on a beach instead! However he has neither the funds nor energy to organise it for himself.
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  2. S6 E2 - Kung Phoney

    September 2, 2020
    When the 'Splat Ninja Show' advertises it's recruiting a new star, Pogo and Slick share a vision of fame and decide to film their own audition to win the job. Meanwhile cameraman Zee is more interested in the 'rolls' over at the buffet table than the 'roles' Pogo and Slick are auditioning for!
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  3. S6 E3 - Every Cloud

    September 2, 2020
    Newt is determined to hold the perfect summer garden party for her friends, inspired by an elegant photoshoot in one of her magazines. But on the big day, she realizes that a dry spell has left her garden looking a lot less happy than the ideal she's aspiring to. Spotting Bubbles experimenting with a weather device, she cajoles her into letting her use it to help her garden beat the hot sun.
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  4. S6 E4 - Jeff and the Beanstalk

    September 2, 2020
    After mistakenly watering his garden with water tainted by one of Bubbles' experiments, Jeff wakes up one morning to find his bed perched at the top of an enormous beanstalk, towering over the town! As he hangs on for dear life, Jeff's friends at the base of the stalk try to figure out how to get him down.
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  5. S6 E5 - On Thin Ice

    November 18, 2021
    When Newt decides to enter an ice skating competition, Slick enthusiastically volunteers to be her partner. But when their training hits the skids, Newt goes to extreme lengths to keep her dream alive, while a dejected Slick determines to master the skills he needs to be Newt's partner.
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  6. S6 E6 - The Great Bod Bakeoff

    November 27, 2021
    With a baking contest on the horizon, Jeff learns that Newt's cookies are better than his. So much so - that he needs her recipe. And will go to any lengths to get it.
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  7. S6 E7 - Neanderthal Newt

    December 6, 2020
    When Newt stumbles across an ancient vessel while helping Bubbles on an archeological dig, she accidentally frees a mysterious vapour that transforms her into a cavewoman. As Newt wreaks havoc in the wild, Bubbles must unearth a solution to get her old friend back, and so she sets out to restore Newt to her modern self.
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  8. S6 E8 - Festive Encounters

    December 11, 2019
    On his way home on Christmas Eve night, Fuse is amazed to find Santa's unattended sleigh parked in the cul-de-sac! With nobody around, he can't resist trying out the hot seat. However once he's behind the reins, he is detected by aliens who are searching for the real fantasy, and they abduct Fuse, along with the sleigh, in a festive case of mistaken identity.
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  9. S6 E9 - Boddy Guard

    December 24, 2021
    Unwilling to let a new treasure out of his sight, Jeff resolves to carry it with him everywhere he goes. But after an unsettling encounter, he hires Fuse to accompany him at all times, as a bodyguard to protect it. Fuse takes to his new job a little too enthusiastically, and it's not long before Jeff has bigger issues than would-be thieves!
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  10. S6 E10 - Food Fued

    November 18, 2021
    When Fuse parks his greasy fast food truck outside Jeff's classy restaurant, a disgusted Jeff takes it upon himself to class up the truck and its unsavoury clientele with his own personal touches, so that it won't deter potential customers passing by. But Fuse won't take this lying down, and retaliates by classing down Jeff's café. It's a class war!
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  11. S6 E11 - Taxi Turmoil

    May 14, 2020
    A thrilled Slick gets his taxi license, determined to be the best, highest-rated driver in history! Unfortunately, his "extreme-speed" approach results in less-than-5-star feedback - and his attempts to course-correct only make things much, much worse.
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  12. S6 E12 - The Pied Piper of Oddsville

    March 16, 2022
    When a magical flute falls into Zee's lap (or more accurately mouth) he finds he has a herd of goats under his control and where Zee is concerned, with great power comes zee-ro responsibility!
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  13. S6 E13 - Kart Wars

    June 25, 2021
    Fuse decides to build a go-kart to enter a race, but when the others gatecrash on his building time, they all end up having an epic argument. Each of his neighbours storms off determined to build their own unique kart and also enter the race. Race day sees all seven Oddbods at the starting line. Game on... but who will win the race?
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One Animation


Moonbug Entertainment


Moonbug Entertainment
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