My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic

Twilight Sparkle may be the smartest unicorn in Equestria, but there's more to life than learning magic. So Celestia sends her to Ponyville on a mission to make friends. There, she meets Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy. In all their adventures together, the ponies learn important lessons about friendship, as they discover the friendship is the most powerful magic of all.
IMDb 7.7201126 episodesX-RayTV-PG
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  1. S2 E1 - The Return of Harmony - Part 1

    September 16, 2011
    The peace of Equestria is threatened when Discord, spirit of Chaos, escapes from his imprisonment in stone. Twilight and her friends must defeat him using the Elements of Harmony. If only they can find them!
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  2. S2 E2 - The Return of Harmony- Part 2

    September 23, 2011
    Discord's mischief causes a rift between the six friends and renders the Elements of Harmony useless. Twilight needs to rekindle their friendship in order to use the Elements against Discord.
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  3. S2 E3 - Lesson Zero

    October 14, 2011
    Hyper-organized Twilight panics when she can't find a lesson about friendship for her weekly letter to Princess Celestia.
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  4. S2 E4 - Luna Eclipsed

    October 21, 2011
    It's Nightmare Night and the macabre celebrations are in full swing when Luna herself shows up in Ponyville, determined to change her frightening public image.
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  5. S2 E5 - Sisterhooves Social

    November 4, 2011
    Sweetie Belle disowns Rarity as her sister when she refuses to participate in a rough and tumble celebration of sisterly unity.
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  6. S2 E6 - The Cutie Pox

    November 11, 2011
    Apple Bloom finally gets her Cutie Mark! But joy turns to panic as she gets as second, then a third, then a dozen cutie marks.
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  7. S2 E7 - May the Best Pet Win!

    November 18, 2011
    Rainbow Dash holds a flying race to determine who will win the honor of being her pet.
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  8. S2 E8 - The Mysterious Mare Do Well

    November 25, 2011
    A new masked avenger is stealing Rainbow Dash's thunder as Ponyville's resident hero.
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  9. S2 E9 - Sweet and Elite

    December 2, 2011
    During a successful trip to Canterlot, Rarity has to choose between the important social connections she's made in the capitol and her uncouth Ponyville friends.
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  10. S2 E10 - Secret of My Excess

    December 9, 2011
    Spike's birthday gifts activate his greedy dragon instincts and cause an outrageous growth spurt that threatens to destroy all of Ponyville.
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  11. S2 E11 - Family Appreciation Day

    January 6, 2012
    Apple Bloom does everything she can think of to stop Granny Smith from speaking to her class and causing everlasting embarrassment.
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  12. S2 E12 - Baby Cakes

    January 13, 2012
    Pinkie Pie takes on the task of babysitting the Cakes? twin toddlers but is woefully unprepared for the challenge.
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  13. S2 E13 - Hearth's Warming Eve

    December 16, 2011
    The six friends put on a play that illustrates how Unicorns, Pegasi and Earth Ponies put aside their differences and founded Equestria.
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  14. S2 E14 - The Last Roundup

    January 20, 2012
    The friends travel all over Equestria to track down Applejack, who has mysteriously disappeared after attending a rodeo competition in Canterlot.
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  15. S2 E15 - The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000

    January 27, 2012
    The future of Sweet Apple Acres is in peril when the Apples challenge the Flim Flam brothers to a Cider Making Contest. The winner takes the farm!
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  16. S2 E16 - Read It and Weep

    February 3, 2012
    After mocking it as an "egghead" pursuit, Rainbow Dash discovers the joys of reading while laid up in Ponyville Hospital. Can she finish her book before her friends discover her secret?
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  17. S2 E17 - Hearts and Hooves Day

    February 10, 2012
    The Cutie Mark Crusaders create a love potion to make Miss Cheerilee and Big Macintosh fall in love but quickly regret their actions when the couple starts spouting lovey-dovey baby talk.
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  18. S2 E18 - A Friend in Deed

    February 17, 2012
    Pinkie Pie is flummoxed about what to do when she meets Cranky Doodle Donkey, the first creature to ever refuse her offer of friendship.
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  19. S2 E19 - Putting Your Hoof Down

    March 2, 2012
    After being pushed around one too many times, Fluttershy gets some assertiveness training from self-help guru Iron Will. The former doormat quickly turns into a bully.
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  20. S2 E20 - It's About Time

    March 9, 2012
    Twilight drives herself to distraction trying to forestall some future disaster after she receives a vague warning from her future self.
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  21. S2 E21 - Dragon Quest

    March 16, 2012
    Spike goes on a journey of self-discovery by joining the Great Dragon Migration. But does a rough and tumble gang of teenage dragons really hold the key to the questions Spike has about his identity?
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  22. S2 E22 - Hurricane Fluttershy

    March 23, 2012
    Fluttershy struggles to overcome her fear of public humiliation so she can help Rainbow Dash and the other pegasi create a Tornado powerful enough to lift the water required for Rainy Season up into the cloud-producing city of Cloudsdale.
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  23. S2 E23 - Ponyville Confidential

    March 30, 2012
    The Cutie Mark Crusaders adopt the name "Gabby Gums" to become the gossip columnist for their school paper. They seem to have finally found something they're good at! But is it worth the pain they cause to other ponies with their hurtful stories?
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  24. S2 E24 - MMMystery on the Friendship Express

    April 6, 2012
    Pinkie Pie starts the silliest criminal investigation in the history of Equestria when a cake she is guarding for a contest is destroyed on the way to Canterlot.
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  25. S2 E25 - A Canterlot Wedding- Part 1

    April 20, 2012
    Twilight is confused by her conflicting feelings when she finds out her brother Shining Armor is marrying Celestia's niece Mi Amore.
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