Mr. Nobody

A young boy is standing on a station platform. The train is about to leave. Should he go with his mother or remain with his father? An infinity of lives rests on his decision. As long as doesn’t choose, anything is possible. Every life deserves to be lived.
IMDb ٧٫٧2 س 35 د201316+
دراماخيال علميذهنيعاطفي
هذا الفيديو غير متاح حاليًا
للمشاهدة في موقعك


المزيد من المعلومات

استشاري المحتوى

أضواء ساطعة


لا شيء متاح


Jaco Van Dormael


Jean-Yves AsselinNathalie GastaldoMark GillPhilippe GodeauBert HamelinckAlfred HürmerChristian LaroucheGenevieve Lemal

فريق التمثيل

Jared LetoSarah PolleyDiane KrugerLinh-Dan PhamRhys IfansNatasha LittleToby RegboJuno TempleClare StoneThomas Byrne
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