A Moment with T.D. Jakes

Men: ManPower. Get great insight and encouragement as you pursue your God-given purpose. In these faith-affirming sermons, T.D. Jakes delivers messages on how to overcome through every season and storm, how to handle responsibility and change, and how you can level up as you go from seed to harvest.
48 episodes16+
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  1. S6 E1 - Can You Dig It
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    June 17, 2001
    Our father's struggles are passed down and must be faced head-on by each of us. Fully awaken from boy to man as T.D. Jakes discusses digging out the wells left by our fathers. These wells can allow us to lead a blessed life. Rise up to the challenge, dig the wells left by our fathers, and create a new storyline for the generations to come after. Can you dig it?
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  2. S6 E2 - ManPower: 7 Steps of a Great Man
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    July 12, 2001
    God is looking for a few great men. Are you ready to rise? T.D. Jakes shares the seven steps to becoming a great man. There is a process to our purpose - a journey toward our destiny. It doesn't matter your age, your stage, what mistakes you've made - God is calling you to another level, to live a better life. See how to transition into greatness.
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  3. S6 E3 - ManPower: Prince of Egypt
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    July 13, 2001
    God calls a slave a prince and a prisoner free. Your present situation may not match your destiny, but God is a covenant-keeper. Don't put your progress on hold because of adversity. God will bring you out and can use you now. T.D. Jakes teaches how you can break the curse of your history and pass on your blessings to future generations.
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  4. S6 E4 - Bad Boys And The God Who Loves Them
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    August 9, 2002
    God loved you even before you were born. His love is not based on who you are, what you said, or what you did. God embraces sinners, and His power is often amplified in human weakness. In this message from Manpower, T.D. Jakes talks about getting to the place where we're tired of ourselves, where we stop running, and we look up. Learn the steps God takes to prepare us for His purpose.
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  5. S6 E5 - Get Out Of The Cave
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    October 30, 2002
    T.D. Jakes shares an honest, intimate conversation, man to men, about facing difficulties. We all have issues. Even great men of God deal with anxiety and depression, but God doesn't want us to hide in our caves. We weren't created to live in the shadows or hide in the dark. Don't give up. Get real-life advice and practical encouragement.
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  6. S6 E6 - Resistance Training
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    July 31, 2003
    Struggle and conflict in our lives are commonplace. But what happens when they keep on coming? What happens when it feels like everything is against us? What happens when we feel like we can't take on even one more thing? Listen as T.D. Jakes unpacks these feelings, and rest reassured that God is here to help us through these hard and unfavorable situations.
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  7. S6 E7 - Untouched
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    March 1, 2020
    As we go through difficult times in our lives, we need God's touch to be cleansed and healed. If we are not able to receive God's touch, we will never truly move past those painful experiences. Listen as T.D. Jakes talks about how God wants us to live the life He designed for us and how we should pour into others the way God pours into us.
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  8. S6 E8 - Out Of Order
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    August 31, 2020
    What do you do when God doesn't make sense? When things don't go according to plan? When it seems like life is out of order? To find out, T.D. Jakes examines the story of the blessing of Joseph's sons. Know that sometimes God's order doesn't line up with ours, but He is still going to bless you. He'll move heaven and earth to do it. See why sometimes God likes to shake things up.
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  9. S6 E9 - Not Many Fathers
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    June 20, 2021
    T.D. Jakes shares a Father's Day message about God the Father as the ultimate example of a fathering spirit and expounds on the creation and purpose of both man and woman. He speaks about the importance of the family unit as well as living beyond our feelings and loving through every season. Don't miss the Q&A session at the end!
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  10. S6 E11 - The Next Generation
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    October 30, 2005
    There's a point in time when the younger generation must transition, take flight, and take over for the generations before them. We must be ready to take on the legacy laid out by those who have come before us. Listen as notable church leaders share empowering messages for "The Next Generation" so they can soar to new heights.
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  11. S6 E12 - Are You All In
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    April 30, 2017
    If you want it all, you have to go all in. For anything you want in life, you have to give all you've got. Watch as T.D. Jakes teaches about Ananias with Sapphira and what happened when they didn't go all in, but still expected God to give all of Himself.
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  12. S6 E13 - All Eyes On Him
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    December 31, 2017
    The right perspective will change everything for you. So many times, just like the children of Israel, God delivers us but we are quick to forget, quick to doubt. Instead of focusing on God, we focus on our issues, our mistakes. T.D. Jakes shows how with the right outlook, God can take what's working against you and make it work for you.
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  13. S6 E14 - All Eyes On Him - Intimacy
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    January 14, 2018
    You can't have a relationship with your religion, theology, or principles. You must continue to cultivate your relationship with God. He longs to be close to you, and you can find help and relief from deeper intimacy with Him. Watch as T.D. Jakes talks about the meeting places God created to nurture a relationship with you and how to maintain your connection.
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  14. S6 E15 - All Eyes On Him - Insight
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    January 21, 2018
    Are you prioritizing your spiritual development? In order to receive the power of wisdom and revelation, you must exercise and sustain your spiritual senses. Having discernment will help you see yourself and your situations clearly. On the other hand, spiritual blindness will limit your progress and provision. Learn all about insight in this sermon from Bishop T.D. Jakes.
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  15. S6 E16 - All Eyes On Him Impact
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    February 4, 2018
    Ask yourself: Am I having an impact, or am I expending effort and energy in vain? We were meant to make a difference in our time. In this message from T.D. Jakes, learn how to be 'the salt of the Earth' and how to measure your effectiveness. Start making an impact today.
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  16. S6 E17 - I Learned From My Losses
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    December 2, 2018
    Just like pruning produces more fruit, certain losses are critical to your development. In this message, T.D. Jakes teaches about a learning moment in Joshua's life. When he faced a loss, he rejected the spirit of failure, found the cause, the solution, and went out to fight again. Learn how to be victorious despite your losses and the three things God gives you for every problem.
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  17. S6 E18 - Let's Get To The Heart Of The Matter
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    December 6, 2015
    What are your priorities? Where is your heart's home? Is your heart a mirror of God's, or is it aligned with the world? In this message, Bishop T.D. Jakes urges us to reflect God's love for this world. To make a positive impact that will transform our families and communities, we must truly love God, love our neighbors, and walk in His purpose. God will take care of the rest.
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  18. S6 E19 - The Battle Is Not Yours
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    May 29, 2016
    Everyone has some giant they must face, something or someone trying to stop you, something that challenges and besieges you. Don't run from the fight. In this message, T.D. Jakes reminds us that the battle belongs to God. He is the orchestrator of your purpose, the author and finisher of your life. That means you are enough. God is on your side, and your destiny is worth the fight.
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  19. S6 E20 - Arrest Him
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    March 19, 2017
    We all have systems in our lives, and many times these systems make it easier to deal with things that aren't working. It's our "normal." Well, God wants to disrupt your entire operating system. He's just waiting for you. If you're screaming on the inside, tired of your "normal," watch as T.D. Jakes shows us how to get God to move in our lives.
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  20. S6 E21 - All Eyes On Him - Insurrection
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    January 28, 2018
    Discover the blessing of God's order and the cost of rebellion in this sermon from T.D. Jakes. Watch how fighting against God leads to failure and decay, but how accepting His structure and authority nurtures progress and productivity. If you find yourself at odds with God, it's time to come home. He is ready to heal, renew, and restore what was lost.
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  21. S6 E22 - Decisions Of Consequences
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    May 27, 2018
    T.D. Jakes preaches about loss and being lost from three parables: the lost coin, the lost sheep, and the lost son. All of us have made a bad decision at one time or another - ones where we later ask ourselves, "What was I thinking?" And sometimes, it's another person's decision that hurts us. Learn how to recover when you lose something or when you're lost, and trust in God's love.
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  22. S6 E23 - The Transplant
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    December 30, 2018
    1 h 1 min
    Sometimes, we're so busy mourning over what was that we can't experience joy for what's next. In this message, T.D. Jakes talks about Samuel's grief after God said that Saul could not be king anymore. Learn how to get yourself together, get in step with God's rhythm, and move on. He's doing a new thing, and blessings will come to those He can trust.
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  23. S6 E24 - The Power of An Instrument
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    February 3, 2019
    From David's first anointing, God gradually brought him to a place of greater distinction and greater purpose. David being called to play for Saul was just one stage of the process, and he used his harp to drive Saul's demons away. In this message, T.D. Jakes shows how we can use our unique gifts to bless others. Are you ready to be God's instrument? Listen in.
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  24. S6 E25 - My Prison Is Not My Problem
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    April 7, 2019
    1 h 3 min
    Don't let today's challenges inhibit tomorrow's promise. In this message from T.D. Jakes, see how your prison, your problem, the thing that's causing you trouble and frustration is actually a golden opportunity. You are fighting a spiritual battle, so when you are attacked, don't doubt your purpose. God will provide a complete deliverance.
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  25. S6 E26 - Hide and Go Seek
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    June 16, 2019
    In this Father's Day message, T.D. Jakes teaches on the courage to stop hiding. Sometimes, we're afraid to show our true selves to anyone, including God. We want to hide from our mistakes, our inadequacies, our responsibilities. We don't want to be discovered. But God will continue seeking us out. Watch as Bishop Jakes speaks about a God who loves the real you.
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English [CC]
T.D. Jakes Ministries
T.D. JakesVenshard DobbinsGlenda JohnsonErik Hopkins
T.D. Jakes Ministries
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