S1 E1 - Power Foundation
December 31, 200919minJoin yoga master Rodney Yee as he leads you through a gentle flowing sequence of poses structured to awaken your spirit and increase core stability for improved balance and stamina.Available to buyS1 E2 - Strengthening Sun Salutations
December 31, 200920minJoin yoga master Rodney Yee as he leads you through the ancient flowing sun salutations. The sun salutations help build strength and flexibility while increasing your mental focus and concentration.Available to buyS1 E3 - Sculpting Standing Poses
December 31, 200915minJoin yoga master Rodney Yee as he leads you through a gentle flowing sequence of standing poses designed to build power, alignment, and balance. This power yoga sequence will help improve posture.Available to buyS1 E4 - Broadening Back Bends
March 26, 200922minJoin yoga master Rodney Yee as he leads you through a flowing sequence of heart openers. Back bends prevent the arteries of the heart from thickening and increase lung capacity thereby increasing circulation to the rest of the body.Available to buyS1 E5 - Ultimate Power Restoration
May 4, 201520minJoin yoga master Rodney Yee as he leads you through a gentle flowing sequence of restorative poses. Relax and release built-up tension with a series of forward bends and slow, elongated stretches.Available to buy
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