
My Cat From Hell

Jackson Galaxy deals with all kinds of problem cats, from aggressive felines to others dealing with tricky medical conditions. He brings his unique understanding and compassion to the desperate families on the verge of giving up their furry companions.
IMDb 7.720126 episodesX-RayTV-PG
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  1. S2 E1 - Terrorizing My Clients

    January 6, 2012
    A female cat named Larry with disturbing bouts of aggression threatens to keep her owners from getting married. An aggressive cat named Ruby ruins her keepers in-home Pilates studio and threatens their thriving livelihood.
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  2. S2 E2 - Mad Max

    January 13, 2012
    City the Kitty is a Bengal cat with jungle energy who is disrupting the peace between his keepers. Meanwhile, Mad Max, sneaks into his owners' neighbor's apartment and is too dangerous to be around their soon-to-be-born baby.
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  3. S2 E3 - On the War Path

    January 20, 2012
    A vicious cat named Kleo terrorizes her home, keeping the owners from their wedding day. Meanwhile, another couple is desperate for Jackson's help with their cat Marco who tortures their tiny dog Yuki.
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  4. S2 E4 - Pissed Off!

    January 27, 2012
    Jackson must find space for a vicious cat named Stella who is preventing her owners from expanding their family. Meanwhile, Mr. Fluff is threatening his keepers' relationship by his violent and destructive behavior.
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  5. S2 E5 - Cat Fight!

    February 3, 2012
    Jackson must figure out what is triggering his next feline's aggressive behavior. A crazed cat is enraged by her owners' roommate. Meanwhile, a newlywed couple is concerned after their two cats behavior suddenly becomes unruly.
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  6. S2 E6 - Spitting Mad

    February 17, 2012
    Cat, Polly, displays anger by vomiting and attacks as soon as she gets the opportunity. Meanwhile, Black Rose and Mathilda battle for control over their keeper's home.
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