S1 E1 - Symposium-or Accepted Ideas
January 1, 198926minThis episode sets the tone for the rest of the series, introducing the fundamental idea Marker and his participants explore: For centuries, we've used Greek civilization as a touchstone, but as John Winkler-classics scholar, queer historian, and one-time monk-says, looking at ancient Greece is like trying to determine what lies beneath a face covered in many layers of makeup.Available to buyS1 E2 - Olympics-or Imaginary Greece
January 1, 198926minWe begin with the personal. In interviews, classicists Manuela Smith and Oswyn Murray, singer Angélique Ionatos, and filmmaker Theo Angeolopoulos discuss the sometimes unconscious ways ancient Greek thought have permeated their lives and work. (And Ionatos notes that those who fetishize ancient Greece either idealize or ignore contemporary Greeks.)Available to buyS1 E3 - Nostalgia-or the Impossible Return
January 1, 198926minNostalgia is there right at the start of the Greek literary tradition. Odysseus, after a decade of fighting the Trojan War, must wander another decade before finally returning home to Ithaca. For millennia to follow, nostalgia-a word drawn from roots meaning "longing for home" and "pain"--continued to mark the Greek experience.Available to buyS1 E4 - Democracy-or the City of Dreams
January 1, 198926minAn in-depth exploration of how Athenian democracy worked, and the key ways it differs from modern states using the word. Ancient Greek democracy emphasized the polisnot as a city-state the way we understand it, but as a collection of individuals. Those able to participate (free men-a small minority of the total population) were passionate about politics.Available to buyS1 E5 - Amnesia-or History on the March
January 1, 198926minWestern history is said to begin with the Greeks-more specifically, with Herodotus, credited as the first historian. But the ancient Greek conception of history, based on the idea of self-examination, is very different from current conceptions.Available to buyS1 E6 - Mathematics-or The Empire Counts Back
January 1, 198927minThere is a narrative about ancient Greece and math: That the Greeks invented mathematics as we know it, that men such as Pythagoras and Thales were its fathers, and that concepts including parallel lines and geometric shapes are universal and ahistorical.Available to buyS1 E7 - Logomachy-or the Dialect of the Tribe
January 1, 198926minThe word "logos" stands at the start of Greek philosophy. A word that defies simple translation, it lies at the root of terms including logic, dialogue, and dialectic. The Greek word for literature is "logotechnia" -- the technique of logos.Available to buyS1 E8 - Music-or Inner Space
January 1, 198926minWhat defines music? Soldiers marching in tandem create rhythms; Orthodox priests don't simply speak when performing the liturgy, they chant and sometimes sing; the hammer banging on a board is not that different from the tug of a rope ringing a church bell.Available to buyS1 E9 - Cosmogony-or the Ways of the World
January 1, 198926minThis episode is classic Chris Marker, tying together an abandoned Athenian power plant turned cultural center, ancient Greek statuary, a department store in Japan, young men destroyed by armored warfare during WWI, and a comparison between Plato's parable of the cave and contemporary cinema.Available to buyS1 E10 - Mythology-or Lies like Truth
January 1, 198926minA small number of Greek myths-Oedipus, Antigone, the Gorgon who turns people who gaze on her to stone-have fed our understandings of ourselves and each other through literature, religion, philosophy, and psychoanalysis.Available to buyS1 E11 - Misogyny-or the Snares of Desire
January 1, 198926minClassicist Giulia Sissa takes center stage in this episode, which explores desire in ancient Greece (primarily Athens), the social status of women, and the erasure of women by classics scholars.Available to buyS1 E12 - Tragedy-or the Illusion of Death
January 1, 198926minGreek tragedies were originally like TV shows before the age of streaming. They were performed once, and only once says scholar Oswyn Murray. But despite their transitory nature, they embraced themes that have spoken to humanity for centuries-and across cultures.Available to buyS1 E13 - Philosophy-or the Triumph of the Owl
January 1, 198926minAfter a dozen episodes that begin and end with the image of an owl, Philosophy begins with the owl and its symbolism, and shows us how many of the participants in the series react to the birds or images of them.Available to buy
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