That's My Boy

While still in his teens, Donny (Adam Sandler) fathered a son, Todd (Andy Samberg), and raised him as a single parent until Todd's 18th birthday. Now, after not seeing each other for years, Todd's world comes crashing down on the eve of his wedding when an uninvited Donny suddenly shows up. Trying desperately to reconnect with his son, Donny is now forced to deal with the reper...
IMDb ٥٫٦1 س 54 د2012R
هذا الفيديو غير متاح حاليًا
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المزيد من المعلومات

استشاري المحتوى

عريعنفاستخدام الكحولالتدخينألفاظ نابيةمحتوى جنسي


لا شيء متاح


Sean Anders


Allen CovertAdam SandlerHeather ParryJack Giarraputo

فريق التمثيل

Leighton MeesterAdam SandlerAndy Samberg


Columbia Pictures
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