Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile

Based on the 1965 children's book of the same title about Lyle, who lives in a house on East 88th Street in New York City. Lyle enjoys helping the Primm family with everyday chores and playing with the neighborhood kids. He's the happiest crocodile any home ever had—until one neighbor insists that he belongs in a zoo. Mr. Grumps and his cat, Loretta, don't like crocodiles, and everything Lyle...
IMDb 6.11 h 42 min2022X-RayHDRUHD7+
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EnglishEnglish Dialogue Boost: MediumEnglish Dialogue Boost: High


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Will SpeckJosh Gordon


Will SpeckJosh GordonHutch Parker


Javier BardemWinslow FegleyShawn MendesWinslow FegleyLyric HurdScoot McNairyShawn Mendes


Columbia Pictures
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