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FLCL: Progressive tells the story of 14-year-old Hidomi, her classmate Ide, and two otherworldly beings, “Jinyu” and “Haruha Raharu,” who are determined to unlock their hidden potential. Mixed up in this is an all-powerful force known as “ATOMSK,” a gorgeous Chrysler Bel Aire… and a certain Vespa Scooter. FLCL: Alternative centers on the misadventures of 17-year-old Kana, a high school jun...
20196 episodes13+
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  1. S2 E7 - Re: Start
    May 23, 2019
    Hidomi’s Dream – white ash covers the entire ruins, behind which a row of humongous irons comes thundering after Hidomi who is now a zombie.
    Subscribe for $1.99/month for 2 month(s) and $7.99/month thereafter
  2. S2 E8 - Freebie Honey
    May 23, 2019
    Hidomi wakes up from yet another dream of her becoming a Zombie. At school, Raharu gives her a handout to bring over to Ide, who didn’t show up to class.
    Subscribe for $1.99/month for 2 month(s) and $7.99/month thereafter
  3. S2 E9 - Stone Skipping
    May 23, 2019
    Crazy things happen during Hidomi’s NO activation, and she is now left with a cheerful and happy personality, which is the total opposite of her real self. The only way to bring her back to normal is to destroy the cables of the giant iron.
    Subscribe for $1.99/month for 2 month(s) and $7.99/month thereafter
  4. S2 E10 - Loopqr
    May 23, 2019
    Marco is the only one that seems to think that happy Hidomi is attractive. While he’s aware that Ide is in love with her, he works part time to buy her a charm. Meanwhile, Jinyu and Raharu scheme to go up to the plant in her Bel Aire.
    Subscribe for $1.99/month for 2 month(s) and $7.99/month thereafter
  5. S2 E11 - Fool on the Planet
    May 23, 2019
    Having made damage to the plant, the iron now stands up straight. Raharu tells the class that she’s happily married and now pregnant. The only way to become happy is to go to the amusement park (run by Tonkichi).
    Subscribe for $1.99/month for 2 month(s) and $7.99/month thereafter
  6. S2 E12 - Our Running
    May 23, 2019
    Trying to get Ide back, Hidomi attacks Raharu physically first then verbally. She tells Raharu that she is acting immature because she knows that she is using Hidomi because Raharu is in love with Atomsk.
    Subscribe for $1.99/month for 2 month(s) and $7.99/month thereafter


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