Ghost Adventures
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S13 A1 – Bell Witch Cave
9 januari 201543 minGhost Adventures makes television history as the first paranormal show to investigate the Bell Witch Cave in Adams, TN. One of America's oldest spirits, the Bell Witch is the first ghost Zak has encountered that's killed a human.Prenumerera på discovery+ eller 3 andraS13 A2 – Sallie House
16 januari 201543 minZak and the crew head to Kansas to explore the violent spirits dwelling inside the Sallie House. Zak invites a former tenant to investigate, but it results with a spirit attacking the tenant and causing a welt on his neck.Prenumerera på discovery+ eller 3 andraS13 A3 – Nopeming Sanatorium
23 januari 201543 minZak and the crew head to Duluth, MN, to become the first paranormal team to investigate the Nopeming Sanatorium, where thousands of lives were lost to tuberculosis and spirits of the dead can still be heard echo in the hallways.Prenumerera på discovery+ eller 3 andraS13 A4 – Apache Junction
30 januari 201543 minThe crew spends the night in the ghost town of Apache Junction, AZ. Zak tests new gas-detecting equipment in the mines, and Jay is utterly startled when he sees a man in a trench coat roaming through the town.Prenumerera på discovery+ eller 3 andraS13 A5 – Return to Tombstone
20 februari 201543 minThe crew returns to Tombstone, AZ, to hunt down an entity terrorizing a bar, known as The Swamper. Zak sends Aaron to the Swamper's lair by himself, but can Aaron brave the investigation after hearing phantom footsteps?Prenumerera på discovery+ eller 3 andraS13 A6 – Demons in Seattle
27 februari 201543 minZak and the crew travel to Seattle to validate the claims of a powerful poltergeist burning bibles and crosses, flipping heavy furniture and carving demonic symbols inside a suburban household.Prenumerera på discovery+ eller 3 andraS13 A7 – Texas Horror Hotel
6 mars 201543 minZak and the crew head to Texas to investigate a horror hotel, haunted by a spirit of a little girl. Before the lockdown, the guys take a detour to verify reports of a spirit pushing parked cars onto train tracks.Prenumerera på discovery+ eller 3 andra
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- Billy TolleyJay WasleyZak BagansErin GhediAaron Goodwin
- discovery plus Ghostly Encounters
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